Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Peaching love and peace? Dude just said you can do everything positive to help others in the world, but if you don't accept christ it is meaningless and are going to hell anyway. He's preaching conformity or suffer the consequences, thats what. 
I base my knowledge on the Word.

If I were to say otherwise, that would be my opinion.
"And before you answer, it would help both of us avoid some frustration if you skipped past the conventional answers like "God works in mysterious ways" and "He gave us free will" and "We must trust his plan." Those are copout answers that are spoonfed to congregations."

So what answer would suffice? One of pure tangible, logical evidence?
Considering that the question is a logical one ("If God is powerful enough to create all this, has he stopped?"), then yes, a logical answer would be fitting.
What if "god" (I use quotes because my idea of god isn't a being) has the power to create but is not omnipotent? What if the idea of god being all powerful isn't correct?

For example, as a man I have the power to kill someone, but that doesn't mean I have the power to create one by myself
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what other reward for good is there other than good? what other reward for bad is there other than bad?

I would like to hear your opinion on what you believe
Obviously the whole 'next life' thing isn't working, considering that prisons are comprised of .03% atheist. 99.97% of prisoners believe in some sort of life after death, yet they still followed through w/ their actions.

Me? I believe empathy is a greater motivator than the promise of reward after death or the threat of suffering after death, and I would trust a highly empathic atheist far more than I would trust the most devout religious person.
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First off I would like to say much respect to op for this thread, I really never thought Id see this On nt..
And op your words are great but they are falling on deaf ears that rather accept evil than something possible to be a great positivity in their life's..
These people are very misguided materialistic and lack the love or respect to not bash someone on there belief and I don't like seeing this.. I come hete to talk sports really so I don't like seeing the evil...
Appreciate the support. 

In the end its not the 
OP, so are carbon-14 dating and all other sciences that point to the world not being 6,000 years old elaborate lies?

There is this dude at my job that is always talking about this stuff. Like most evangelical type Christians in nyc, some personal tragedy whether single event or long term situation lead him to his church. From his descriptions it sounds to me like a bunch of snake oil salesman preachers collecting some of the little of these peoples' hard earned money. This guy also copped to the fact that he tells his kids to go along with the established heathen type beliefs they are taught in school just to not be held back academically. Sad. This man had the nerve to tell me evolution is utter nonsense. He said he doesn't need proof to know that it is. Great way to live life.

Evolution is blind faith. You trust man to lead you based on what they imagine.

How has evolution helped our advancement?
Considering that the question is a logical one ("If God is powerful enough to create all this, has he stopped?"), then yes, a logical answer would be fitting.

Logical question yes, but is faith logical? Non-believers want concrete proof, believers provide faith based answers. No one wins. These religious threads always follow this same exact pattern.
I kind of see what you're saying. so your'e setting limitations to your god? Also why wasn't the word "trinity" not found in the old testament but happen to appear in the new testament?

Setting limitations? No. The trinity thing,I don't know the answer to that. It's my understanding that entire New Testament is a metaphor. It's just a story. Everything is parabolic. ie seeing the sun reflect on the lake = gods son walking on water
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Condescending *** Christians, believers, w/e you wanna call them are the exactly reason people turn the other way.
Its cool if those are your beliefs that's cool, but the minute you start stating it as fact, and telling people they'll go to hell is when you've lost me and I might punch you in the face.

Why can't you be happy knowing you're living "right", according to you, why do you care if anybody else sins? You just want to put people down to feel better about yourself.
Even if I cared if you sin, that wouldn't stop you from sinning. 

You take offense from your own guilt.

I come with the Light, but your comfort is in the darkness.
I'm not sure if its been asked but is Jesus supposed to be God or the son of God?

Always see cats saying Jesus is their lord and savior but then aren't you putting him before God? Which in the same book God tells you not to do?
God is the Holy Trinity:

The Father 

The Son - Jesus Christ

The Holy Spirit 

They are all one, and that is God.
"Convince them that what they do is sin, and convince them there is a place they go for the sin we've convinced them of, and convince them that we have the saving solution to the sin we've convinced them of and the place we've convinced them of."

My friend, anyone who falls for that is a person in need of saving, not the person who has good works but no faith, as Luke described. :\

Maybe there was some miscommunication. What exactly do YOU interpret that I was aiming for?
In this vast world of knowledge to base your entire belief system on 1 solitary book that only reflects a minuscule fraction of time is simply foolish. I'm sorry I don't mean to offend but that is the definition of foolishness and ignorance. Arrogance as well. WHY LIMIT YOURSELF?
Talk about Christ? A guy whose grave we can't visit because his body was ascended into heaven?

How about you prove he existed at all?

Come to him with a Humble Heart, Repent, Turn Away From Your Sins, and Trust in Christ ALONE.

God can give you the Proof.
In this vast world of knowledge to base your entire belief system on 1 solitary book that only reflects a minuscule fraction of time is simply foolish. I'm sorry I don't mean to offend but that is the definition of foolishness and ignorance. Arrogance as well. WHY LIMIT YOURSELF?

If that man & his fam are happy & not harming anyone, how is it foolish?
God is the Holy Trinity:
The Father 
The Son - Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit 
They are all one, and that is God.

Didn't know that God could be killed by man..

But you do know that educators do not teach or refuse to talk about the trinity in theologian school. Many preachers just preach it for the faith of the people, true theologians will never truly discuss this subject. With that being said, I cannot and will not question your faith.
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Im very surprised by this thread. I thought I was going to be nothing but nonsense but reading thru all the pages it was very mature and a thoughtful (by nt standards) im very proud of you guys.

Anyway just my two cents. I believe in god but not this god who is supposedly represented by religion or the bible. Theres just to many unanswered questions and im not stupid. I pray every night for the sakes of all man not my ow. I never push my beliefs on any body. I believe theres a god but theres has to be more to it. Theres billions upon billions of planets out there we are not the only ones here. Modern man is not 6k years old. You know how I know this its called science. Im not saying im right but its what I believe and im not asking you to believe me. I live my life they way I want to right or wrong in others eyes because its MY LIFE. If im wrong I guess ill see alot if you in hell and I accepted that.
My friend, I respect your character.

I could sit here and debate on God's existence, but that won't make you turn to him alone.

God wants men of faith, and thats the only way one will get to know the truth

that is the Lord.

Until you can humble yourself and turn from the life you know, you won't turn to Christ.
God is the Holy Trinity:
The Father 
The Son - Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit 
They are all one, and that is God.

see now this makes no sense

to me at least

If Jesus is/was God how did he get killed?

wouldn't that have been a prime time to prove this?
Even if I cared if you sin, that wouldn't stop you from sinning. 
You take offense from your own guilt.
I come with the Light, but your comfort is in the darkness.

No I take offense to condescending attiudes that judge other people and hide it behind religion.

:lol: I have no "guilt" because quite simply I think the concept of "sin" is a total farce.

But carry on ole ignorant righteous one
I don't want to get sucked in or disrespect anybody...
But OP who told you it was a good idea to make a religion thread on the internet?

2 things you DONT post online. Thread about abortion, thread about religion...
The Lord.
In this vast world of knowledge to base your entire belief system on 1 solitary book that only reflects a minuscule fraction of time is simply foolish. I'm sorry I don't mean to offend but that is the definition of foolishness and ignorance. Arrogance as well. WHY LIMIT YOURSELF?

You consider it limiting ourselves. That's not how I view it at all. Do you all not see the current condition of this WORLD? I'm not simply talking about wars but EVERYTHING. From top to bottom things are out of order and continues to get worse.

Go on twitter or IG and watch what unfolds on a daily basis.

Go on WSHH. The world has always had problems but they're growing worse.

I mean people are living life with either no direction or a self guided direction that suits THEM and only them. We have problems. That's why we have 24 hour news EVERYWHERE. Things may seemingly calm down in certain sectors but don't let that fool you.

Don't even get me started on the political system. Would I be alone if I said I don't trust over 5% of them if that?
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