Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

And part of god was born however many millions of years (if you can even assign a number) after god has already existed? I'm not getting that at all
If that man & his fam are happy & not harming anyone, how is it foolish?

Ignorance is bliss. You can't say definitively that he's not harming anyone. Preaching a false religion as gospel in hopes to indoctrinate others into your way of thinking can be hurting people who might otherwise have a chance to read and research and come to their own conclusions. I'm never going to ask anybody to think or see things a certain way, only to think. And not put a sealing on advancement in knowledge and understanding. If u wanna believe in Santa clause fine keep that to yourself and don't try to make somebody a "believer" that's why they're called believers they believe they don't know.
Man, if y'all disagree y'all disagree, but to try to just insult someone isn't the best way to argue your point.

I believe that the being of god could exist, but not in the way that we think. I dont believe that their is one group of people that are going to be "saved" while the other are left for dead or that there's a "end of days" to begin with.

I also believe that the bible is not based on actual events. I do believe that the bible has been tailored by those who've rewritten it over the years to suit their needs over the ages
Man has and always will make their own beliefs up. 

There is a reason God's word has been spread all around Earth unlike no other belief.

The Lords word is Truth and the Truth is Light.

Once you accept this Truth,

All things you've built on your own personal understanding

Become Folly.

For the Spirit imbues you with the knowledge of God.

Why not accept your Creator's knowledge and salvation?
In this vast world of knowledge to base your entire belief system on 1 solitary book that only reflects a minuscule fraction of time is simply foolish. I'm sorry I don't mean to offend but that is the definition of foolishness and ignorance. Arrogance as well. WHY LIMIT YOURSELF?
If that man & his fam are happy & not harming anyone, how is it foolish?
It's foolish for the exact reason he stated... (see underlined text). Can someone be happy and not harmful, but be foolish, arrogant, ignorant? Absolutely. 

Humanity will cease to exist at some point, without question, but life and the universe will go on. Is Christ still the son of God at that point, for all remaining life forms? You see, Christ is man made. The Universe, energy, elements, they are forever. Man is not. Yes y'all dudes believe in a book written by a man... Aight. 
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Man you probably havent even really lived life yet you talk like you understand it.
Man has and always will make their own beliefs up. 
There is a reason God's word has been spread all around Earth unlike no other belief.
The Lords word is Truth and the Truth is Light.
Once you accept this Truth,
All things you've built on your own personal understanding
Become Folly.
For the Spirit imbues you with the knowledge of God.
Why not accept your Creator's knowledge and salvation?

Why is the bible which has been rewritten, and translated countless times, impervious to this idea of "faleshood"? The bible you hold in your hands isn't written exactly like the one someone else is even if it's the same rendition
Talk about Christ? A guy whose grave we can't visit because his body was ascended into heaven?

How about you prove he existed at all? :nerd:
Come to him with a Humble Heart, Repent, Turn Away From Your Sins, and Trust in Christ ALONE.
God can give you the Proof.
So if I place my faith in him ALONE, I'll believe he existed? That's... you see nothing flawed there?
Answer me this, why does the bible say that the earth was flooded by 15 cubits of water which is roughly 22 feet??? The tallest mountain on earth is nearly 30,000 ft at it's peak but the earth was flooded by 15 cubits in the story of the great flood. Explain this please.
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I respect everyone's opinion but ultimately we agree to disagree
to ascribe an image to God would mean you are placing limitations which would be blasphemous
I still don't understand the trinity and how it works. infinite cannot be broken into 3
if Jesus (peace be upon him) is/was god then why did he prostrate on his knees and yell out "lord..." in the acts 7:60
ive heard that he was showing people how to pray but i have never seen a christian with my own eyes to prostrate and pray
many Christians tell me that jesus (peace be upon him) is god because he didn't have a father. based on that argument one could say Adam is more "divine" because he lacked both mother and father so using the excuse of Jesus(peace be upon him) lacked a father makes him divine i would personally disagree with.

As for atheist that believe in concrete evidence i do not blame you. I can respect someone who like tangible definite answers and nothing else. This isnt the best argument by any means but 0 cannot create 1. In a nutshell it takes something to create something.
We all limit God so much.

God created the universe,

all the countless stars,

gave us such intelligent minds,


counted every single hair on all men that walked on this earth

and so many other things we as humans can't even grasp. 

So even I don't know how, neither will I ever know on Earth, how God works.

But limiting him based on our own knowledge is foolishness.

Acts 7:60 is Stephen getting stoned, 

as he pleaded to the Lord, not to hold 

their sins against them.

Adam was the first man created.

Jesus was the Son of God made flesh.

Hence why Jesus was the last Adam.

Adam is not divine, because he sinned and was only a human.
Overall this is my opinion on religion: 

I have no problem with it. Actually, I think it does do a lot of good for a lot of people. If a person uses it to better himself, do good for others, and live a moral life, I view religion in a very positive light. Hey, if it's bettering people, why get annoyed with it. I can tell some people in this thread have had many positive experiences/have become better because of religion. Some people may not need religion to do these things, but others may to be guided. I see nothing wrong with religion being a guide for people. 

I start to have issues with it when people call their religion "right" or the "the truth." That's when I get bothered because you have no evidence for it.  You are saying that with pure bias/ignorance. If you look at religion from a historical stand point, you can see where most of the stories in these books come from. Calling one religion right or the truth seems ignorant/self centered/and just illogical. You are basically saying the vast majority of human beings are "wrong"

I know many religions state you must believe what the book says is the truth, but I can't get down with a person thumping that their religion is the truth, when they have 0 evidence for that. Use religion to better yourself and help others around you, but don't have a sense of entitlement becasue you follow a specific religion. 
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What separates Adam from Jesus? One sin? Is Adam then part of the trinity if he and Jesus are not the same?
[quote name="DurtyRaspburry"]
There is a reason God's word has been spread all around Earth unlike no other belief.
[/quote]Yes; witch hunts. There was a VERY LONG period of time where people were literally tortured and murdered for not claiming Christ. It's amazing how fast a belief can spread when murder is the consequence for not believing...

... but I have a strong feeling you have no idea what I'm taking about.

Look at the history of the spread of Christianity before bragging about how truthful it must be, friend. :smile:
You last paragraph, isn't the the enigma of existence? There has to be a start, but where and when? Or does existence not fall under the "rules" we think are concrete?

Some mind numbing ideas. I think such ideas are what spawned religion
The spawn of religion is what man thinks will get him right with God, through man's own set rules.

The Word gives us all the knowledge we need in life.
We all limit God so much.
God created the universe,
all the countless stars,
gave us such intelligent minds,
counted every single hair on all men that walked on this earth
and so many other things we as humans can't even grasp. 
So even I don't know how, neither will I ever know on Earth, how God works.
But limiting him based on our own knowledge is foolishness.

Acts 7:60 is Stephen getting stoned, 
as he pleaded to the Lord, not to hold 
their sins against them.

Adam was the first man created.
Jesus was the Son of God made flesh.
Hence why Jesus was the last Adam.
Adam is not divine, because he sinned and was only a human.

Jesus sinned, too :lol:
I see his point here. As cavemen, we fought each other, as knights and such, we fought each other, as advanced as we are now, we fight each other.

There's some proof to that statement

without evolution there would just be a bunch of simple organisms though correct?
The trinity thing makes Zero sense to me. Jesus looks up to heaven and asks god to forgive the people, so is he talking to himself? Is he not aware he's god? Did god die when Jesus dies? Why is the word trinity not in the bible even once?

The Father is the judge, and Christ is the sacrifice that gave man a connection with God.

God didn't die, his flesh died. Thats why unlike man who dies, he was able to defeat death.

Cuz a trinity can be observed in many verses

Matther 28:19

 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost

1 John 3:5-7

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one
Time could move differently for god.
I would assume faster since he's been around forever.

Time is and isn't. Time is truly a law of nature that beings up the most questions even though it's thought of as something so simple. Time can be bent given extreme circumstances. In a back hole they say you can see time changing it's speed.
The Father is the judge, and Christ is the sacrifice that gave man a connection with God.
God didn't die, his flesh died. Thats why unlike man who dies, he was able to defeat death.

Cuz a trinity can be observed in many verses
Matther 28:19
 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost

1 John 3:5-7
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one

None of that says the 3 are the same thing. In fact it takes the time to make sure you see them as different entities
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Answer me this, why does the bible say that the earth was flooded by 15 cubits of water which is roughly 22 feet??? The tallest mountain on earth is nearly 30,000 ft at it's peak but the earth was flooded by 15 cubits in the story of the great flood. Explain this please.
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