Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

For the all people who are in here probably bashing dude, I'm sure you guys are worshipping the concept of someone who doesn't exists as well. (Rappers, entertainers etc)

What makes y'all any better to ridicules a man's rhetoric who preaches love and peace, while most of y'all's preaches materialism and egotism.

No personal shots at anyone, but too often I see people try and break down devout Christians with no pick me up in mind.
its not even about that though dude is basically saying that life is a certain way and thats it.
So he invented tall tables and tall chairs lmao
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What makes y'all any better to ridicules a man's rhetoric who preaches love and peace, while most of y'all's preaches materialism and egotism.
Peaching love and peace? Dude just said you can do everything positive to help others in the world, but if you don't accept christ it is meaningless and are going to hell anyway. He's preaching conformity or suffer the consequences, thats what. 
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Peaching love and peace? Dude just said you can do everything positive to help others in the world, but if you don't accept christ it is meaningless. He's preaching conformity or suffer the consequences, thats what. 
He's preaching about the best thing he has in his life which is Jesus.

If someone wanted to share their best thing with you, would't you be appreciated? Whether you liked it or not, its the principle that would make you

appreciate it. If you don't like it, then theres no need for people to come into this thread and bash on dude.

Just appreciate that he's trying to share something with you guys and move along. No need for the immature shots at OP or any other Christian in this thread.
He's preaching about the best thing he has in his life which is Jesus.
If someone wanted to share their best thing with you, would't you be appreciated? Whether you liked it or not, its the principle that would make you
appreciate it. If you don't like it, then theres no need for people to come into this thread and bash on dude.

Just appreciate that he's trying to share something with you guys and move along. No need for the immature shots at OP or any other Christian in this thread.

i can understand this.
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He's preaching about the best thing he has in his life which is Jesus.

If someone wanted to share their best thing with you, wouldn't you be appreciated? Whether you liked it or not, its the principle that would make you

appreciate it. If you don't like it, then theres no need for people to come into this thread and bash on dude.

Just appreciate that he's trying to share something with you guys and move along. No need for the immature shots at OP or any other Christian in this thread.
The principle is not that he's simply sharing the "best thing in his life" with us, he's also holding us to eternal gunpoint with his claims that our futures are hell bound and disastrous if we don't share in this belief with him. That is not acceptable nor something that should be promoted on an open forum with people from all religious backgrounds who come on here. It's threatening and not worth appreciating at all, in fact it's very surprising in itself that it's tolerated on NT.
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The principle is not that he's simply sharing the "best thing in his life" with us, he's also holding us to eternal gunpoint with his claims that our futures are hell bound and disastrous if we don't share in this belief with him. That is not acceptable nor something that should be promoted on an open forum with people from all religious backgrounds who come on here. It's threatening and not worth appreciating at all, in fact it's very immature in itself.

Haven't been through the whole thread, so a made a few assumptions based on dealing with these types before.

At any rate, if it's the situation where he's saying go to hell or die chances are you're not going to change his mind.

With that said, I've found the best way to deal with people like this is be the example of what you think life is about. If you've got it right, usually people naturally gravitate based off the effects they see you having in your life.
For the all people who are in here probably bashing dude, I'm sure you guys are worshipping the concept of someone who doesn't exists as well. (Rappers, entertainers etc)

What makes y'all any better to ridicules a man's rhetoric who preaches love and peace, while most of y'all's preaches materialism and egotism.

No personal shots at anyone, but too often I see people try and break down devout Christians with no pick me up in mind.

:lol: wut this is a horrible post. When you assume...


Peaching love and peace? Dude just said you can do everything positive to help others in the world, but if you don't accept christ it is meaningless. He's preaching conformity or suffer the consequences, thats what. 

He's preaching about the best thing he has in his life which is Jesus.
If someone wanted to share their best thing with you, would't you be appreciated? Whether you liked it or not, its the principle that would make you
appreciate it. If you don't like it, then theres no need for people to come into this thread and bash on dude.

Just appreciate that he's trying to share something with you guys and move along. No need for the immature shots at OP or any other Christian in this thread.

If some fictitious character is the best thing in your life, you need to reevaluate.
zapatohead408 zapatohead408

Please elaborate why it's horrible?

The main reason is because it's an annoying post. You assumed that the board in general looks up to some made up person. Not only that but you assumed that the person we looked up to preaches materialism and egotism.

Plus, there's a whole lot of things the church has done that isn't about "love and peace."

And yes, I do understand you were speaking in general terms.
I used to be an atheist until I found based god.


So basically just your opinion? Cool respect that, but....

Most people came here because they like shoes. Chances are they probably like Jordan's. So saying they look up to someone egotistical and material isn't that far fetched.

I went and read through the entire thread and my "assumption" was pretty on point. Whether we'd like to admit it or not, the majority of life works based off assumptions. This thread seemed to be a safe bet that the usual happened, which it did. I'm aware the OP used negative reinforcement with the desire of turning people on to the love/peace tenants of Christianity.

I know what the church has done. I'm not a proponent for Christianity. Just promoting positivity and peace.

So you say you know that I'm speaking in general, yet when a stone is cast, it's usually the dog that's hit that welps....
I think that's a little far fetched

I wanna put that in the right context. The original point I was trying to make is that people look up to people everyday that aren't real. Whether it be a persona, or movie character, what's wrong with people embracing a person embracing someone's ideology if it's positive?

Going back to the materialistic/egotistical thing, would y'all not agree that Jordan and kanye are major influences on a lot of the members on this board? Not to say they don't have positive attributes and Christianity has no negatives, but it just rubs me as hypocritical when dudes are quick to shut down someone else's religious views yet they hardly ponder the things/people who influence them.
First off I would like to say much respect to op for this thread, I really never thought Id see this On nt..
And op your words are great but they are falling on deaf ears that rather accept evil than something possible to be a great positivity in their life's..
These people are very misguided materialistic and lack the love or respect to not bash someone on there belief and I don't like seeing this.. I come hete to talk sports really so I don't like seeing the evil...

C.Magneto C.Magneto


Damn ya'll ethering this boy thread

He was just trying to help :smh:

Op did very well and I'm proud of dude the trolls lost their battle..

You're brainwashed b, you're living your life based off a book that you have no actual proof who it was written by

For what?

We all have a devil and god within us, its called a conscience,

Your conscience got you believing being a "born again christian" makes you a better person than "living the life of hypocrisy" that you were formely living, so according to my religion you were living your whole life with a guilty conscience aka the son of satan :smh:

What religion is that offset?
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Don't you think we overlook the simple things way too much? God has given us great imaginations, just proof of our intelligent design. Yet we only use our minds to spit at God and his laws, and strive for our own pleasures in the sand called carnal life.

I speak the truth homie, its more real than anything in life..

Universal consciousness makes more sense to me than religion.
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Something else to think about OP:

"43 For a GOOD tree bringeth not forth CORRUPT fruit; neither doth a CORRUPT tree bring forth GOOS fruit.

44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes."

"Job 14:4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? NOT ONE."

King James 1 was a known homosexual who murdered his young lovers and victimized countless heretics and women. His cruelty was justified by his "divine right" of kings.
- Otto J. Scott, James the First

That's just for the King James Version of the bible.
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OP, so are carbon-14 dating and all other sciences that point to the world not being 6,000 years old elaborate lies?

There is this dude at my job that is always talking about this stuff. Like most evangelical type Christians in nyc, some personal tragedy whether single event or long term situation lead him to his church. From his descriptions it sounds to me like a bunch of snake oil salesman preachers collecting some of the little of these peoples' hard earned money. This guy also copped to the fact that he tells his kids to go along with the established heathen type beliefs they are taught in school just to not be held back academically. Sad. This man had the nerve to tell me evolution is utter nonsense. He said he doesn't need proof to know that it is. Great way to live life.
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Condescending *** Christians, believers, w/e you wanna call them are the exactly reason people turn the other way.
Its cool if those are your beliefs that's cool, but the minute you start stating it as fact, and telling people they'll go to hell is when you've lost me and I might punch you in the face.

Why can't you be happy knowing you're living "right", according to you, why do you care if anybody else sins? You just want to put people down to feel better about yourself.
I'm not sure if its been asked but is Jesus supposed to be God or the son of God?

Always see cats saying Jesus is their lord and savior but then aren't you putting him before God? Which in the same book God tells you not to do?
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