Thoughts on Obama getting assassinated???

200 years of white presidents, and along comes a black one
sadly, as long as obama's black I say his assasination chances are pretty high
Depends on how smart the people attempting it are, and believe me, there will be attempts.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by playacet

I understand that there could be a chance of that happening, but please the martial law, riot, public uprising, NOOOTTTT. This guy isn't in office yet and you're acting like he has made an impact. Let's see what he will do in office first before we start comparing him being assassinated like JFK, MLK, or Malcom X. He could get in office and do a total 360 on us
. BTW I'm still voting for him
If he wins the election & becomes president, he'll definitely be in the category with JFK,MLK, & Malcom X. For America to finally wakeup & believe that a Black man can run this country, says a lot for him & how far we've come as a nation. And Barack has a lot to do with that.

Assassination?? Unless their's an inside job, I highly doubt it also since the Secret Service has come a long way. I do think they'll be a lot moresecret service present than usual to secure him if he happens to win.
from the first time i thought about him being president i said he'd get assassinated..
america is not ready for a black anything.. they also got jfk..

king was shot..
malcolm was shot...
black panthers were destroyed..
biggie was shot..
pac was shot..
marcus garvey was deported..

see a trend? america can't stand for black to progress or black leaders.
Originally Posted by just reason

from the first time i thought about him being president i said he'd get assassinated..
america is not ready for a black anything.. they also got jfk..

king was shot..
malcolm was shot...
black panthers were destroyed..
biggie was shot..
pac was shot..
marcus garvey was deported..

see a trend? america can't stand for black to progress or black leaders.
im not saying you don't have a point.. but back to the topic.. none of the people you mentioned were president..
Lincoln was killed
Garfield was killed
McKinley was killed
JFK was killed

they tried to kill Andrew Jackson
they tried to kill Teddy Roosevelt
they tried to kill FDR
they tried to kill Truman
they tried to kill Nixon... twice
they tried to kill Ford... twice
they tried to kill Reagan
they tried to kill Clinton... twice
they tried to kill G.W. Bush.. twice

so i mean anything is possible in regards to Obama.. these assassins or would be assassins.. they are crazy in the first place but my reasoning of posting allthat was to prove that it wouln't necessarilly be racially motivated as some are so quick to jump at because hes half black.. people just hate our country,and whoever is president is the biggest target, as they are the global representative of America
either way I think some big things are gonna happen if Obama wins or loses

I'm just happy I don't live in a big metropolis city so riots won't be that big of an issue
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

lets hope it doesnt happen

This topic actually came up while me and my boys were drinking Sat night and everyone agrees that it would probablytrigger a small race war. I hope it would never come down to that though...
You thought %$!%#@ went crazy when OJ got let off? This country would burn if that @$+ happened yo
Originally Posted by bangtcg

i hope he will always wear a kevlar, but you know snipers always go for the head shot.

if he dies, there will be blood. chicago, la and ny

dont forget DC
I can't decide if I find it inspiring or sickening how my people (black folk) have united behind Obama, despite a lot of us not knowing a damn thing abouthim...but I gotta believe that if he is *incapacitated*, the results won't be pretty...there will be violence, and then we'll see the true colors ofwhat the government is willing 2 do 2 keep us under sad as that event would be, it would be interesting (don't take that the wrong way, Idon't wanna see it happen no more than nobody else.)
I dunno he has a lot of security to get through first it would have to be like a suicide bomber that would cause a lot of fatalities but it's possible thatmany more will try not only the raciest but also alot of religious groups think he's the anti christ and they think they would be saving man kind.
Originally Posted by suprastar202

Originally Posted by bangtcg

i hope he will always wear a kevlar, but you know snipers always go for the head shot.

if he dies, there will be blood. chicago, la and ny

dont forget DC
Mom and Pops told me how the city burned when King was shot. I think it would be far worse this time. Far worse.......

This ain't the 60's where cats practiced pacifism after MLK was assissinated, it would be a straight civil war in this country. So ifObama does indeed become president thats the last thing we all want to happen.
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