Thoughts on Obama getting assassinated???

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

If he gets touched, Marshall's Law will run rampant.

All hell will break loose.

who is Marshall and what's his law? anyway martial law? why would you lock down the country or even a small metropolitan center because one guy got killed?what would it accomplish? don't you think the assassin would've got what they wanted and is done now? some of yall overreact with every comment causeyou don't think.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man if Bush didn't get touched I doubt anything will happen...but than again Bush's connections run DEEP. I think if Obama got assassinated all hell would break loose, there would be staright up chaos. People will turn Obama into some sort of a martyr, or a symbol of sorts for their cause and form several rebel factions in hopes of overthrowing the government. The government will implement martial law, brutally crush these homegrown "terrorist" and take away almost all of our civil rights. The U.S will turn into a Totalitarian Police regime, that will go to any length (even bomb major cities) to ensure that every slave citizen submits to their will
is that you Hiro??...... thats just scary....
Man... I don't even want to think about it, but I do believe that the chance is not as high as people may think to believe. I think we are too advanced inour methods for that issh to go down. I've said this before, he's going to have some anti-matter forcefield up, word to fortune from Metal Gear Solid2.
Let's just pray that it doesn't happen and leave it at that. We'll let God take care of the rest............

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Unless it's an inside job; I don't see it happening.
Pretty much.

His chances aren't any greater than Clinton's or Bush's were.
If white racists could murder politicians at will we'd have a whole lot of them falling by the wayside.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

If he gets touched, Marshall's Law will run rampant.

All hell will break loose.
i agree,...every news station will be on it like flys on @#$% there will be nothing else to talk about and everyone will go chaotic. God forbidthis(to anyone)
The only way I expect for this to follow thru is by way of an inside job. And as scary/sad as it is to say it, you have no idea who in the white house isreally there to protect him. Joe Biden said himself that Obama will be tested within 6 months in office./ What if that's a subliminal message saying,"I'm after you." or some s*** like that?
Scary but anyway, Idon't know if this counrty is gonna be locked down(except for DC), cities blown up, etc, etc. That's a little too extreme. But I think that racism isdefinitely gonna be more apparent and hate crimes are gonna spread across the country.

Two movies to recommend btw(that kinda tie in with this), American History X and Vantage Point. Both are
Originally Posted by 18key

Theres a possibility, but Bush made it 8 years, so I dont see Obama getting murked. Some random act of God will cause the attempt to fail.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man if Bush didn't get touched I doubt anything will happen...but than again Bush's connections run DEEP. I think if Obama got assassinated all hell would break loose, there would be staright up chaos. People will turn Obama into some sort of a martyr, or a symbol of sorts for their cause and form several rebel factions in hopes of overthrowing the government. The government will implement martial law, brutally crush these homegrown "terrorist" and take away almost all of our civil rights. The U.S will turn into a Totalitarian Police regime, that will go to any length (even bomb major cities) to ensure that every slave citizen submits to their will
You took the words right out of my mind....crazy

oh and would've preferred Hilliary or even this McCain fellow?
And we've got four more years of threads like this to look forward to...


For the record, I don't believe that his chances of being assassinated are any higher than any president before him.
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