Time to regroup! Hats off to the spurs. I hate those red jerseys the h3at wore tonight. We always suck in them
Wow, it got pretty quiet around here. Where are all the Heat fans now,lol. I know the Heat will adjust so it will be a great game 5.
We just got hit with the perfect storm.. They couldn't miss and we couldn't buy a bucket.

Time to refocus and regroup. In between games adjustments is Coach Spo's forte
This game pissed me off so much in the first half, that I had to change the channel..

Whats crazy is that NO STARS are having a good series on both teams, the bench players, and role players are....
I have no clue what thee hell is going on.

And if Lebron doest want to play, He shouldn't even suite up for thursdays game, and go sit on the sofa with Kobe, Rose, and Melo....:smh:
I fully expect Bron to take over this series after last night. He knows he played like **** ye knows he has to play better and he will. There's not big problem he knocks down that mid range jumper Leonard has to play him up close and can't back off him that's when the driving lanes open up. Al he has to do is knock down his jumper
This game pissed me off so much in the first half, that I had to change the channel..

Whats crazy is that NO STARS are having a good series on both teams, the bench players, and role players are....
I have no clue what thee hell is going on.

And if Lebron doest want to play, He shouldn't even suite up for thursdays game, and go sit on the sofa with Kobe, Rose, and Melo....:smh:

Tell me about it. Spurs Stars aren't playing that hot either. But no one can honestly say that they expected Green and Neal to explode last night.
One thing we can look forward to is the spurs role players are not gonna win this series for them there not gonna shot lights out like this and go for 27 and I think 25. Parker and Duncan are the key for the spurs and so far we've contained parker fine other then the shot in game one. Oh and this these are brons numbers when trailing a series on the road in the next game
Not ready to come back around on Wade yet. Bring it consistently, Flash.

But GREAT game nonetheless.

This is how the Heat are supposed to look.
im good... i said this before.. wade playing like this gives lebron opportunity to do what he needs to and get the rest of the team involved
I think Wade woke up. Hes been having good first halves all series and today he just kept being aggressive after the break. I think he might have felt that he was steppin on Brons toes or somethin cause hed be less aggressive 2nd half. But today he put it together and this is huge for his confidence and belief imprinting against the Spurs.

Bosh had a good game too and I think his confidence is coming back hence the effort defensively and on the glass. I think this game put our guys in a rhythm.

Play aggressive on offense. Attack attack attack and try to get to the line. And play tenacious D
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I hope we come out the same exact way game 5 and win it. Weve done a great job containing Timmy. Were not doing as good containing TP but he isn't overwhelming us.

Just gotta stay disciplined and stay home on penetration because that leads to Green's 3s, which is keeping the Spurs alive. And if Neal keeps hitting those contest prayers then just live with em
I hope we come out the same exact way game 5

Have you been following the Heat these playoffs? Sadly, whenever they win, their intensity level goes down and they lose in games that aren't that close, and sometimes are blowouts as was the case in game 3, or in game 6 against the Pacers.

I heard Dwyane Wade's pre-game hype up talk where he asks loudly "How are we going to respond?". I hope they realize that now it's not enough to "respond" anymore and that they MUST win two games in a row in order to win this series. It doesn't make much difference whether those games are

4 (which they've already won) and 5 + either game 6 or 7
5 and 6, or
6 and 7

But it is evident that they cannot win this series unless they win two games in a row. Enough of this feeding off of losing in order to get extra pumped up for the following game because they lost and they feel they must "respond", which has been happening all Indiana series and now has carried over to the finals. Now it's up to them to step up and win two games in a row. They get a nice long rest with an extra day now so they better carry over tonight's intensity into game 5, or else it's better that the starters just sit out game 5 and get a game's extra rest. Still, I have a really hard time seeing them take game 5 though. :smh:
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Have you been following the Heat these playoffs? Sadly, whenever they win, their intensity level goes down and they lose in games that aren't that close, and sometimes are blowouts as was the case in game 3, or in game 6 against the Pacers.

I heard Dwyane Wade's pre-game hype up talk where he asks loudly "How are we going to respond?". I hope they realize that now it's not enough to "respond" anymore and that they MUST win two games in a row in order to win this series. It doesn't make much difference whether those games are

4 (which they've already won) and 5 + either game 6 or 7
5 and 6, or
6 and 7

But it is evident that they cannot win this series unless they win two games in a row. Enough of this feeding off of losing in order to get extra pumped up for the following game because they lost and they feel they must "respond", which has been happening all Indiana series and now has carried over to the finals. Now it's up to them to step up and win two games in a row. They get a nice long rest with an extra day now so they better carry over tonight's intensity into game 5, or else it's better that the starters just sit out game 5 and get a game's extra rest. Still, I have a really hard time seeing them take game 5 though.
I think the key on winning game 5 is to have Parker on lock right away. If you guys noticed during the 1st half of game 4, either Timmy or Tiago will set a screen for Parker and when he comes off screens, he either attacks or look for Neil or Greene for 3. On 2nd half, Miami played better defense on Parker and he ended up with 0 pts. I also think that Miller plays better when he comes off the bench, but if starting him gets us the W, then it's all good. 
i think it's a necessary adjustment spo needed to make by having a stretch 4 out there (miller), although miller didn't really knock any 3's down he still posed a threat. I'd like to see him stick with that starting lineup even though Birdman wouldn't be in the rotation. Miami needs to dig deep now and come out with the same desperation and intensity for game 5.
YBD i hate ta ask ya this but IF ya poke yer head in here can u please clean up these 3 shots IF ya have time ? either way ty very much




thanks again for all the gr8 shots ya throw up
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