Wade need to go back to Tim Grover and stop messing with LeBron trainer.. Wades body can't handle the muscle and bulk. Bosh body couldn't handle too much either.. slim down, and be lighter on your feet
He got injured in '05 too back when he was relatively slim. Hurt his rib real bad & could barely play. I 100% believe they beat DET if he wasn't so limited

It's just his playing style I guess.

wade messed with grover before he came back and blacked out during the 08/09 season when he had better stats then ANYONE ELSE in the damn league.. the year lebron won his first MVP.. that was the healthiest i have seen him in his whole career.. im not a expert of anything. im just thinking that adding too much bulk to your upper will put more pressure on your knee and ankles.. does that sound right?.. more weight then your legs joints can handle?.. i dont know. all i know is that when lebron came to the heat wade has been training with him..

Too much bulk on any part of the body can leave other parts stressed causing injuries... I'm not sure 100% thats the reason because he is built like a bull (no pun) but he should lean out a little bit.
wade messed with grover before he came back and blacked out during the 08/09 season when he had better stats then ANYONE ELSE in the damn league.. the year lebron won his first MVP.. that was the healthiest i have seen him in his whole career.. im not a expert of anything. im just thinking that adding too much bulk to your upper will put more pressure on your knee and ankles.. does that sound right?.. more weight then your legs joints can handle?.. i dont know. all i know is that when lebron came to the heat wade has been training with him..
i always argued that lebron stole that mvp from wade that year. stat-wise wade had him beat almost across the board. but cleveland had a better team record.
yup... wade had lebron beat in every stat except rebounding... we had beasley, cook, rio that year..
He spun out to not be wraped up by him not to throw him down. Or is it some rule in Chicago where you have to let them hold you And wrap you up when they wanna foul you. It was a 2-4 why foul him in the first place Chicagos a dirty team plain and simple and there's no arguing that.

Players usually let other players wrap them up. You rarely see someone trying to do what Lebron did. Like I said, I think Lebron thought Nazr was going to go and tackle him a la heinrich. Nazr went kinda soft and that is why Lebron was able to throw him down :lol:. You throw someone down and it is a tech I think.

Regarding Wade, I think the bulking up does affect the knees. Kobe had to have some knee surgery after he bulked up.
yea man. wades always been my favorite player but...ive gotta be honest lol. when it gets to a point that all of the important stats are declining. him moving over and letting lebron be the CLEAR best (cuz if u remember they were always neck and neck, always competitive), and the fact that im now a better 3pt shooter than him...its real tough man. REAL tough. im trying my hardest to not let lebron be my favorite lol
Wade still shows flashes.. idk though. I think somethings bugging him physically and mentally lol. He plays like he's not that into it anymore
My dude changed the title to 3-1 and the game aint even over yet :lol:
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i don't think the NBA allows that ... I've wondered that too and thought it'd be tight if throwbacks were worn in the playoffs
why did they allow the heat to wear the all white in the first game aginst the bucks ?
"My Dude"? That's a 1st on NT. C'Mon WLL, we're better than that lol

There was still time on the clock but that game was over lol
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