The Ultimate Football Thread 2013-2014 Vol. 4 EPL, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A etc

Give me a break. Courtouis is the keeper for the 1st place team in La Liga and is already the best keeper in La Liga. Probably top 3 on the planet.

He's not going to be anybody's understudy. Most people would say he's better than Cech already.

So it's not a question of Cech being's would Courtouis have done better? And yes, I believe he would have.

So Cech is on a VERY short leash. And he's been horrible today

I agree for the most part, but II think more than anything, we have to recognize that this is mourinho's team, and he has shown to support young players in favor of proven stars (ie. bye bye Mata). Nothing to do with Cech's performance, but whether or not Mou is looking to revitalize his team with more youth.

Cortouis is most definitely NOT top 3 in the world, but we gotta stop with the EPL is the best league in the world garbage. Cortouis time is better served staying Atletico for a year taking in game shots by Ronaldo, Messi, Bale, Neymar, etc, etc ,etc. than to understudy Cech at Chelsea :lol:
PSG flexing on Chelsea
Yuuuuup. That's a big shadow cast by Zlatan. Once it's gone, Cavani sees openings as big as the Indian Ocean.
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When did I say Cech wasn't world class?

That's not the issue. Cech and Courtouis are world class. The question is if Courtouis is better, and lately it looks like he is.

But he hasnt played 1 match in the EPL. Remember when United got DDG, he was highly rated but still need a season to adapt. He was nowhere as good at United as he was the previous year at Athletico. So while Cech is still world class, wouldnt the smart thing to bring Courtous and understudy Cech before making him our full time keep.
If it were up to me, Cech is a proven commodity in the EPL. Until he shows me that he isn't capable of doing the job I'd play Cech over Courtouis
whats your cheap beer of choice? :nerd:

Depends. If I'm just chilling, kicking it with my boys: Modelos are my first choice. After that Most Mexican Beer will do, but prefer Sol, Carta Blanca, XX, etc. All Better than Corona

Taste wise and for the "kick" IPAs
Chelsea are linked with everyone.

I still can't believe that Jose is willing to let the next Drogba go like that.
And his name. Can you imagine the bump in jersey sales? Christ. Not that Chelsea need the bump, nor does Jose care about such things.
When did I say Cech wasn't world class?

That's not the issue. Cech and Courtouis are world class. The question is if Courtouis is better, and lately it looks like he is.

But he hasnt played 1 match in the EPL. Remember when United got DDG, he was highly rated but still need a season to adapt. He was nowhere as good at United as he was the previous year at Athletico. So while Cech is still world class, wouldnt the smart thing to bring Courtous and understudy Cech before making him our full time keep.

I stopped reading at DDG.

Zero comparison.

:lol: @ bringing a keeper who has proven to be world class against the likes of Messi, Ronaldo, etc in La Liga + 2 years of CL football to be Cech's understudy. C'mon man.

If he can handle Barca and Madrid he can handle Stoke
They ran a train on us....

We got several issues to address with this team, striker being #1.
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