The Ultimate Football Thread 2013-2014 Vol. 4 EPL, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A etc

Difference between me and you is I'm content at criticizing or being ashamed of my national team. While you on the other hand are doing jumping jacks and boasting all over this thread because Mexico is beating New Zealand. Congrats brotha. As for Portugal, I'm not expecting much, like I've been saying. We continue to go in the playoffs, it may just be our turn to miss out - I'd think it'd actual help us going forward like it did in the 80's going into the 90's.

okay and? Jesus christ, are you trying to make me feel some sort shame when you're the one who keeps crying for no damn reason. Get off your pony man, yea mexico is playing new zealand right now, mexico is ahead, should i feel some sort of way other than good because the squad looks better than it has? I do, and we're here right now so its whatever to me, but it's obvious that that isn't the case for you. And the boasting part, how am I boasting when my I'm simply posting observations of the current squad? How can I keep it unbiased when New Zealand hasn't done squat. Yea, when Sweden and Portugal play I'll come back here and boast and do jumping jacks and hoop through rings of fire for whoever is ahead. You feel some sort of way Mexico is worldcup and portugal's chances are up in the air? What do you want me to do about it, it's not my fault things are like this and it most certainly isn't my fault you feel this way either.

It's like you want me to be you right now and feel something other than good. Stop projecting your feelings on to me, I don't care if you feel shame for Portugal, thats just your problem.

Trying to bring your existence onto mine like it's going to make me feel bad that mexico is on its way to the world cup.

I'm mad you actually want me to feel soemthing that I shouldn't be feeling. Hope you feel this euphoric when Portual plays New Zealand bra.
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New Zealand with the score right after mexico scores. Keep it up new zealand :pimp:

I'll be back later to post all the gif of mexico, I might as well post the whole game and a break down on every page just to make Coupe mad.
I'm well aware of all the circumstances going into this match, but those 11 Mexican players showed energy, enthusiasm, and execution. They needed to win this game going away, and that's what happened. Ye,s the squad going to Brazil will be different, but at least for today, the Mexican National Team made us all proud.
I'm well aware of all the circumstances going into this match, but those 11 Mexican players showed energy, enthusiasm, and execution. They needed to win this game going away, and that's what happened. Ye,s the squad going to Brazil will be different, but at least for today, the Mexican National Team made us all proud.
Happy for all the Mexicans :smile:
I simply cannot not imagine CR7 not in the upcoming WC. I havent been this stressed over a footy game since portugal/spain in the euros
This is all your fault, Zusi.

Friday has to be more interesting than today. Everybody on the Iceland bandwagon!
New Zealand with the score right after mexico scores. Keep it up new zealand :pimp:

I'll be back later to post all the gif of mexico, I might as well post the whole game and a break down on every page just to make Coupe mad.

Bro, I don't hate Mexico and I know many of your Mexican compatriots on here are going to side with you because of what I said yesterday but that does not mean I hate Mexico. I don't care about Mexico, before they played there last game I said "I hope Mexico wins because the World Cup wouldn't feel the same without them". But after that horrible display in a must win game and after the United States bailed them out I changed my mind. Why? - Because they didn't deserve to even get into the playoff game. Deep down, you and everybody who watched football that day should have noticed that. Your ego shouldn't stop you from at least admitting that.

Post the gifs bro lol, I don't care. Don't do all that work and go out of your way to think you're going to piss me off. The only gifs that could truly hurt my feelings are some Benfica goals.

In the end, I guess we're just two different types of fans. That's what it is, I'm obviously more critical and you're obviously more content with what you have. Congrats. I think what I said yesterday really got to you, but just know I could care less about the Mexican team. If it had been the US team in those shoes, I would have said the same damn thing. I think anybody else on this board can attest to my objectivity with football.
Bro, I don't hate Mexico and I know many of your Mexican compatriots on here are going to side with you because of what I said yesterday but that does not mean I hate Mexico. I don't care about Mexico, before they played there last game I said "I hope Mexico wins because the World Cup wouldn't feel the same without them". But after that horrible display in a must win game and after the United States bailed them out I changed my mind. Why? - Because they didn't deserve to even get into the playoff game. Deep down, you and everybody who watched football that day should have noticed that. Your ego shouldn't stop you from at least admitting that.

Post the gifs bro lol, I don't care. Don't do all that work and go out of your way to think you're going to piss me off. The only gifs that could truly hurt my feelings are some Benfica goals.

In the end, I guess we're just two different types of fans. That's what it is, I'm obviously more critical and you're obviously more content with what you have. Congrats. I think what I said yesterday really got to you, but just know I could care less about the Mexican team. If it had been the US team in those shoes, I would have said the same damn thing. I think anybody else on this board can attest to my objectivity with football.

I never said you hated mexico, I didn't read for any undertones of hate other than what you typed and how I perceived it. Why should I feel the way you feel about the Mexican squad? Because you say so, because you've been posting longer than me on this thread or something? Should I not feel good that the squad looks better than it has in the long year of L's? Yea bro, I'm really content with what i have, because the squad looked and played differently. You're killing me right now with your lack of comprehension of my posts. Stop trying to 1) put words into my mouth 2)telling me how I should feel and 3) riding your miniature pony like your riding a majestic horse of the highest degree.

My whole praise today of the Mexican squad today has been due to the fact that they are a completely different squad. Better chemistry, better plays, more ambition. Should I still feel shame? I don't think so Tim. Today the Mexican team looked splendid out there. Wish it had looked that great since the beginning of the year.

Yea dude, still riding your pony while telling me that my ego shouldn't stop admitting to mexico being where it was about half an hour ago.

Like I said in my other post addressing you, I don't think you're truly grasping how much your existence is not affecting me in this thread. Hell, I don't even know what you typed yesterday outside of what you posted in this post I'm quoting, so stop giving yourself this, Oh, so might, type of essence pertaining to me, because I can assure you confidently, that outside what is going on today, your existence has been irrelevant to right now.
I never said you hated mexico, I didn't read for any undertones of hate other than what you typed and how I perceived it. Why should I feel the way you feel about the Mexican squad? Because you say so, because you've been posting longer than me on this thread or something? Should I not feel good that the squad looks better than it has in the long year of L's? Yea bro, I'm really content with what i have, because the squad looked and played differently. You're killing me right now with your lack of comprehension of my posts. Stop trying to 1) put words into my mouth 2)telling me how I should feel and 3) riding your miniature pony like your riding a majestic horse of the highest degree.

My whole praise today of the Mexican squad today has been due to the fact that they are a completely different squad. Better chemistry, better plays, more ambition. Should I still feel shame? I don't think so Tim. Today the Mexican team looked splendid out there. Wish it had looked that great since the beginning of the year.

Yea dude, still riding your pony while telling me that my ego shouldn't stop admitting to mexico being where it was about half an hour ago.

Like I said in my other post addressing you, I don't think you're truly grasping how much your existence is not affecting me in this thread. Hell, I don't even know what you typed yesterday outside of what you posted in this post I'm quoting, so stop giving yourself this, Oh, so might, type of essence pertaining to me, because I can assure you confidently, that outside what is going on today, your existence has been irrelevant to right now.

Wow, you are really overreacting. Let It Go Dog, it's Over. :lol:

You're happy with the way Mexico played today, you're content. You think they're suddenly a different team. Some Mexican fans aren't as satisfied and optimistic as you, but hey guess what? - thats just who you are! it is what it is, so congrats amigo.

Now go get those gif's, I didn't see the second half goals. I'd love to see them. Nothing more I like in this thread then goal gifs.
FIFA needs to do something about this. Jordan & New Zealand? Are you kidding me?

I understand you need countries from every continent but don't you want to watch the best of the best in a World Cup?

I don't get it man. And to think either Zlatan or CR7 aren't going to Brazil next year, lol. Pitiful. Screwed system.

those tears!

jesus christ man, how hard are you crying right now.

Life isn't fair...

I'd seriously be shocked if u were an intelligent person. And if you are then I'd be shocked if u weren't a miserable dude.

All I'm gunna say, no bickering, no back and forth.
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