the thread about nothing...

YES! Alpha Dog's avy may be the best, other than bigshrimpin's (if he didnt get banned)

:lol: :lol: I think he did get banned, or at least suspended for a month.

That D-Rose slow pan out and successful troll :rofl:

Man I saw this fiiine chick at my bank this morning. The problem is is that I only saw her from the neck up since she was standing behind this lower wall. She stepped from behind there and was as wide as my malibu :smh:
:lol: :lol: I think he did get banned, or at least suspended for a month.
That D-Rose slow pan out and successful troll :rofl:
Man I saw this fiiine chick at my bank this morning. The problem is is that I only saw her from the neck up since she was standing behind this lower wall. She stepped from behind there and was as wide as my malibu :smh:
You shoulda smashed just for the lols.
Also fat girls are so grateful for the d.
She'll probably buy you gifts after.
just moved to a new city Sterling heights, Mi for work.
know a few folks who i use to work with who moved up here as well but i dont hang out with them. gonna be bored as S!!! till i meet some folks.
hope whatever i do at work isnt excel related. I hate excel.
i have a gf from my old hometown, not the most ideal situation. kinda stupid actually.
explored detroit grateful for what i have.

Where did u move from?
I may be moving outside of detroit for work as well.
Starting up grad school and i'm not sure whether I should work full time or part time at this retail spot.

I can get by on part time, but I need moneys.

Difference is from about 45k part time to 60k foil time

If you can handle the full time while balancing school, then I'd go for that. If you can't, then do part time. If the part time pays 45k/year, that's actually quite good. I work full time and only get paid 36k before taxes :smh:

Why do people like Meek Mills?
he yells and gets me amped at da gym, in da car, weddings, FUNERALS :smokin

If you are the product of an interracial relationship....your parents are some true pioneers and ahead of the curve. Props to them. One day everyone will be mixed.
I went to apply for a job today, and I'm talking to this white dude with all these tats on his face who works there. I look at his nametag and his name is David
Superni g g er....I couldnt believe it. Then I searched him on google and found this

Anyone have any good reasons I can mention to a proffessor to convince him to let me in a class with no room in it? Really need this bio class in the morning
Starting up grad school and i'm not sure whether I should work full time or part time at this retail spot.
I can get by on part time, but I need moneys.
Difference is from about 45k part time to 60k foil time

Try having to quit your job and move to another city for grad school, and then not having the option of working because classes were Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm. :smh::smh::x:x:smh::smh:
I'm at the courthouse right now for jury duty. Lucked out and got dismissed from being a jury for a week long trial.
I think he did get banned, or at least suspended for a month.
That D-Rose slow pan out and successful troll

Man I saw this fiiine chick at my bank this morning. The problem is is that I only saw her from the neck up since she was standing behind this lower wall. She stepped from behind there and was as wide as my malibu
That's what you call a damn-damn. From far away you're like:

Then up close you're like "Damn...
If I want to put a DVD file that I have on a computer onto a DVD, can I use a DVD-R?

I've only used DVD+R, but a friend of mine gave me 100 DVD-Rs, and so if I can use them, I'm ahead of the game, otherwise I'll give them back to him.
If I want to put a DVD file that I have on a computer onto a DVD, can I use a DVD-R?
I've only used DVD+R, but a friend of mine gave me 100 DVD-Rs, and so if I can use them, I'm ahead of the game, otherwise I'll give them back to him.
Yeah you can use the DVD-Rs
I went to apply for a job today, and I'm talking to this white dude with all these tats on his face who works there. I look at his nametag and his name is David
Superni g g er....I couldnt believe it. Then I searched him on google and found this
[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]

what job was this for 
I went to apply for a job today, and I'm talking to this white dude with all these tats on his face who works there. I look at his nametag and his name is David
Superni g g er....I couldnt believe it. Then I searched him on google and found this
[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]

what job was this for 

That dude has done a few too many psychedelics 
I hate people that think people without kids have no responisbilities in the world what so ever. Stupid *** reasoning like that is the reason why you had kids so early.
Contacted the company I ordered shirts from and they replied to me quickly. They sending me the correct shirt and the third shirt I ordered as well as a pre-paid envelope for the shirt they wrongfully sent me.

I went to sleep around 8 am and woke up 12:30 pm...yet I'm not worried at all.

Still waiting for a reply from this eBay seller before I order...
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