the thread about nothing...

I feel you guys. I graduated from VCU this past May and am looking for a full time job right now. **** sucks, makes me wish I didn't party as much but whatever, no regrets haha. Thinking about grad school if no jobs come down the pipe here soon...

Best advice to you my dude, take whatever time you need to to relax and get acquainted with home again whether it be a month or a week... then get on your grind to find a job. The thing with me was that 2 weeks turned into 1 month, 1 month turned into 3.... and before you know it, half a year has gone by after i graduated and nothing has happened..

feels like ****, especially when all your boys are out doing their thing.. going to happy hour, clubbing, etc. and you're stuck home with no money. :smh:

Definitely gonna tone down the partying this time around.... lol

I was lucky enough to have my parents pay for my entire undergrad and come out of school with no loans whatsoever. :smokin

BUT, they are not paying for my grad school and I just took out a loan for 17k...... It's not much compared to a lot of other peoples' loans but still man..:x Worried about paying this off ..... ****'s gonna hit the fan if I graduate without a job lined up....:smh::x:rolleyes:nerd:
-Haven't had mcdonalds in 3 months.  I'd kill for a sasuage mc muffin right now, but trying to get my health back together.

-Dinner with my dad was good.  We really don't get along that well, but it felt good seeing him

-That "regret after choking one out" quote made me giggle

-I live in the past too much and i'm trying to move on from it.
- I haven't been in here all weekend.
- I don't wanna be at work right now. >D

- My birthday is tomorrow.. but it's a Tuesday.. :x
Fell asleep for a nap at 8PM last night, woke up 11 this morning.

I don't think I've EVER slept that long before in my life.
Starting up grad school and i'm not sure whether I should work full time or part time at this retail spot.

I can get by on part time, but I need moneys.

Difference is from about 45k part time to 60k foil time
Best advice to you my dude, take whatever time you need to to relax and get acquainted with home again whether it be a month or a week... then get on your grind to find a job. The thing with me was that 2 weeks turned into 1 month, 1 month turned into 3.... and before you know it, half a year has gone by after i graduated and nothing has happened..
feels like ****, especially when all your boys are out doing their thing.. going to happy hour, clubbing, etc. and you're stuck home with no money. :smh:
Definitely gonna tone down the partying this time around.... lol
I was lucky enough to have my parents pay for my entire undergrad and come out of school with no loans whatsoever. :smokin
BUT, they are not paying for my grad school and I just took out a loan for 17k...... It's not much compared to a lot of other peoples' loans but still man..:x Worried about paying this off ..... ****'s gonna hit the fan if I graduate without a job lined up....:smh::x:rolleyes:nerd:

I appreciate the advice homie. I'm on the grind as we speak cause like you said, I need that paper and boredom has already started to set in. Highlights of my weekdays are playing pickup at the local gym haha.
Day 4 accomplished of a cigarette-free life. Was tempted to last night since I was drunk but I won and resisted.

Going to do that No Alcohol August thing as well. Need to get on top of my diet.

Going to order a new laptop battery once the seller on eBay messages me back.

Overall, August seems like it's going to be a good month.

Hope, it's good for the rest of my NT fambs as well.
everything goin good so far round here too bruh :nthat:, july was rough :smh:
My weekend was :pimp: feels so good to get out the city and chill with my brothers. Can't wait to go back.

I'm looking for an LRG duffel bag but I CANNOT find it. Anybody ever ordered from Looks legit but I dint want to be a victim of too good to be true. They even have a physical store so I should be okay right?
That feeling when you know your girl is up to no good or you know shes lying...feels batman. Something is up and I just don't even want to bother.
Just cut her off bro, I'm going through the same thing. She'll come back if it's meant to be, just do your thing.
just moved to a new city Sterling heights, Mi for work.

know a few folks who i use to work with who moved up here as well but i dont hang out with them. gonna be bored as S!!! till i meet some folks.

hope whatever i do at work isnt excel related. I hate excel.

i have a gf from my old hometown, not the most ideal situation. kinda stupid actually.

explored detroit grateful for what i have.
Was that aimed at me? I got a little post happy last night when i got home since i couldnt NT most of the weekend, just sharing in the thread about nothing- but i only have 1 account and no self-reps(well, I have Cham too, but they wont let me use that SN). I help where i can though. You're always good peeps around here, and i try to be as well

Nah definitely wasn't aimed at you my man...I just happened to post under you.

The notion more so occured to me recently in reading some of the long/drawn out threads like the Chik-Fil-A ones and seeing the weekly top 10 posters and those itching about post count. I am still flabergasted how some folks have 40,000 post.

Not that serious though.....
I think the majority of people in the world are self centerd, self absorbed and self-serving....there are a few good outgoing folks who are genuinely concernced about helping others though.

A lot of people I have met just haven't had anything real serious happen in their lives that would force them to change their perspectives though. :smh:
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