the thread about nothing...

I got a riddle that is unsolvable...

H I J K L M N O = ???

WOW.. I just changed my preferences back to the old 20 post per page system...

I am the proud father of a 1k + thread! :smokin

This is my gold medal :D
edit: lol everyone figured out the riddle already.

+1 for google.
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any way to set the settings so you can view the exact date a post was made? it's usually be something like "2 days, 15 hours ago" but I want it to be the exact date
let be real here...

if you had 4 years to train, for an olympic event that you have the most REALISTIC shot at making... what would it be?

ps - don't say Basketball, because if you aren't in the league right now, there is no way in hell you will be good enough to make that squad.

my choice? I would say team rowing. I used to kayak and paddle in high school to stay in shape for hoops, and have a good wingspan and strong upper body.
Rowing for sure. Maybe handball too.


Originally Posted by kix28  

on the real i feel bad i didnt get to go out tonight......... 

if it makes you feel better, I regret going out tonight 
What's good on Thursday's up there?
And Friday's and Saturday's? lol

Wheels touch down at 8pm
Thursday-Saturday's are usually pretty good at Roseville and Folsom

I thought you weren't getting here for another 2 weeks??
Yea, 2 more weeks lol

Sucks being not having friends out here. I been fine doin things dolo during the day (shopping, eating, etc) but once the sun drops, it's a whole diff story. Just can't wait to be home for a few days.
  Falls Bar... me and my boys always go to TVC whenever there is nothing to do. Its terrible, but good people watching.

I feel you on the dolo stuff during the night and day. Its a struggle.
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