the thread about nothing...


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2 sets of plans fell thru :smh: :smh:

oh wells my sister came thru in the clutch again, one of her friends is hitting me up :evil: :pimp: cute / thick Dominican chick :evil:
2 sets of plans fell thru :smh: :smh:

oh wells my sister came thru in the clutch again, one of her friends is hitting me up :evil: :pimp: cute / thick Dominican chick :evil:

Bro you owe your sister a nice dinner or something man, she's held you down many times while you were drunk :pimp:
So this guy keeps hitting on my girlfriend, literally coming up to her after seeing us makeout at the club, messaging her even though he knows I'm with her and at one point grabbing her arm and trying to get her to dance with him after she told him she's with her boyfriend (me) I'm not worried at all because i know she won't chew on me, but I've said something to him before, do i just knock him out now or what? 

Knock him out and put it on WSHH

:smh: I think thunderchunk posted this when I first heard it.. :smh:

:smh: Just heard it on Power 106 :smh:

I saw it on MTV Jams... :x

Could someone teach me how to make a gif where the background doesn't move and only the interesting part or necessary part is moving? I know how to make regular ones but I really want to learn how to make gifs like this one. I tried google but I'm not sure what to search.

Google "how to make cinemagraphs".

Wanted to know how to do this too. Will check out later, thanks. :pimp:
Cono hermano 6 in one room?!?!? :lol: :wow:
Si primo, ya tu sabe que lio con tanta gente en un cuarto :smh: :smh:

Thanks for the answers fellas...
I made a promise to post some thick yambs that I wad gonna get tonight. Is that thread worthy?
probably make her hold a piece of paper that says my screen name and take some pics...
:lol: :rofl: :smokin you should def do it

2 sets of plans fell thru :smh: :smh:
oh wells my sister came thru in the clutch again, one of her friends is hitting me up :evil: :pimp: cute / thick Dominican chick :evil:
My man *Denzel Washington gif* I love the women from my country they're my biggest weakness
:wow: :wow:
Thanks for the answers fellas...

I made a promise to post some thick yambs that I wad gonna get tonight. Is that thread worthy?

probably make her hold a piece of paper that says my screen name and take some pics...

you know what to do playa.


this one always gets me :lol:

the part when rocky and q are talking about danny brown
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I'll try to explain as much as I can and make this as short as possible and make some sense.

My sister who got pregnant from a bum.. no job having always telling lies mofo. She moves in with him(his bros house) again for the second time. The first time she got kicked out by him and she says when she was leaving he spit on her and told her she should do the world a favor and kill herself :smh: .. so she moves in with my brother, says all this bad stuff about him and how terrible he treats her. Not even a week later she says she's moving back in with him, we're all disappointed but we can't do anything about it.. and after a while she says how bad it is and we tell her to leave, but she's scared. She says they always argue 24/7 and can't get along.. one day she decides to move out while he's gone doing whatever he's doing and isn't home.. his brothers girlfriend helps my sister move on the low because she knows how bad that bum treats my sister she sees it first hand.

So she moves in with my older bro again and she's around 6 1/2 months pregnant. She says she's in a happy to have support(own room, brother let her use his car to go to work), my other sister throws her a baby shower everyone comes gives her gifts and whatever. She has names in mind and everything ready for the baby.. at around 8 months pregnant she moves in with me because it's a little closer to everything. She tells me how she made a huge mistake getting with him because she didn't even like him.. and how she wishes he wasn't the babys father etc etc.. fast forward to yesterday she talked to my sister late the day before saying she feels different and feels like she might go into labor soon.. then she somehow drove herself to the doctors early that morning and called no one but that bum, at around noon no one hears from her so my sister calls the hospital she knows my sister was supposed to give birth at and they say she's already in recovery.. meaning she already had her baby. She gave birth around 10-11am didn't tell any of us who has been supporting her for the past 3 months. So everyone leaves work early because we're so excited to see the baby, we wait in the waiting room. My oldest sister asks if we can go in, she says every time she asked my other sister always had to look at that fool as if she was asking is it ok. So after a few hours of waiting we all decided to leave.. because we hear nothing.. it's been almost a full day and we've seen one picture of the baby and that was a picture she posted on her instagram that none of us have we seen it because a family friend has her and asked if we've seen it :smh:  we don't know the babys name nothing..... 

I hope that makes sense I wrote it quick and my mind still trying to figure out what happened yesterday

thats a damm shame man, women never fail to surprise me man :smh: :smh: you Hispanic? that sounds like some **** we would do :smh: :smh:
Nah I'm Laotion..

But here's an update on the situation.. don't wanna fill the thread with this nonsense but I need to say it somewhere.

My oldest bro who she has been staying with prior to living with me before giving birth has tried to go visit her and the child at the hospital two times today.. the first time he went at 12 because yesterday she told him to come at 12 and he can come in.. well he gets there at 12 and she tells them "he's still here" and that my bro should "try again in a few hours"..he leaves back home.. and so the second time he doesn't even go to the hospital he calls her around 4 and she says the same thing and tells him to call her back again in a few hours :stoneface: . He's texting me saying at the end of the day it's our sister we have to be there for her. I said that's not how a sister treats her family and he keeps saying he's gonna continue to be there for her if she needs him and that he's doing it for my mom.. I told him why can't she do it for my mom :smh:  I'm at a loss for words with this whole situation and never thought in a million years it would be like this..
Wow, This was certainly thread worthy, G.

I can't imagine what I would do in this situation. It amazes me how some women let these guys have sooooo much control over them. Sad.
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Total Recall was >D, had cool action fight scenes but the movie to me was just dude Bryan Cranston was in it though and I didn't know that goin in...but honestly some of the trailers had me more hype than this movie :smh: especially this ben affleck movie called Argo...Kate Beckinsale looks good but ole girl cannot act :lol:
 Originally Posted by Carver
 You're sister is so fragile minded and weak willed, it's sad. Her mind might still be in the beginning stages of being polluted but just going off of how she thinks of the guy/and how that switches on the daily, it might be done dada. Is this guy a goon or something? Y'all scared of him?
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that A$AP and Schoolboy video was funny as hell but I always wondered why can't the police just arrest weed smokers in general if they caught it on film?
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:rofl: :rofl: these dudes are fools lmao....I like em with the latin,oriental type of ghetto mentality...yeah kinda like a stupid *** white girl..yea a valley ******ed b :smh: :lol:
Man that **** so crazy how my brain typically does a 360 right after I catch one. Literally worked at smashing shorty this entire summer semester,
finally smashed and the second after I finished I'm like where's the next bunz :smh:

She hit me with the txt me when you get home. I'm like ***** yea right >D
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that A$AP and Schoolboy video was funny as hell but I always wondered why can't the police just arrest weed smokers in general if they caught it on film?
I would like to know :nerd:

I remember watching that Steve-O film where dude put weed in a condom & ate it.. then he was waiting for weeks until that thing out his butt :lol:, anyways I believe he was still in Europe when he was transporting it & he got arrested.
I would like to know :nerd:
I remember watching that Steve-O film where dude put weed in a condom & ate it.. then he was waiting for weeks until that thing out his butt :lol:, anyways I believe he was still in Europe when he was transporting it & he got arrested.

My best guess is that you can't actually prove they are smoking weed. It sure looks like weed, but can't say for certain, so legally there is not much they can do.
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