the thread about nothing...

Going to just stay dolo tomorrow...
Girl wants me to chill with her and her friends :smh: I see those broads more than my own mother :smh:
Chick-Fil-A for lunch though :pimp:
Not sure whether I want to go watch a movie or just drink though...
Hajime No Ippo

goes to watch...looks interesting
I'm on episode 55 of the first series and the show has been consistently good. It's a mix of comedy and action. The main thing I like about the show is the reasons behind why most of the boxers fight and how they set out to win the next match. Each match that I've watched is somewhat unpredictable.

Also the soundtrack is excellent.
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I dare you to make it better then- dont be a freeloader
challenge accepted

Jasmin Cadavid






Who was the NT'er who would reply to every thread with some random stories that had nothing to do with the thread? They were so random, but so funny, :lol:
Watching this movie Blackout and they got Marlo & Wallace from the Wire in it.

After watching it, I hate Marlo even more.
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That fbi agent's jimmies from season 2 of Prison Break stay rustled. Does anyone know the name of the actor that plays him? I'd look it up myself but imdb/wiki always says how many eps. So and so has been in, which makes almost dying or getting caught scenes less suspenseful.
Since NT gets the most yambs out of everyone on the internetz... anyone ever got caught having intercourse in a vehicle? if so, name some places where I shouldn't park my car & do it.
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Since NT gets the most yambs out of everyone on the internetz... anyone ever got caught having intercourse in a vehicle? if so, name some places where I shouldn't park my car & do it.

Almost got caught a few times with my ex. Each time we almost got caught we
were ducked off in a place we thought nobody would see us in (back of a park, in a
alley). I swear we never got caught in the most crowded places though. I hit that in a CVS parking lot, hit that in a mall parking lot. Crazy times, I miss that P :smh:
Almost got caught a few times with my ex. Each time we almost got caught we
were ducked off in a place we thought nobody would see us in (back of a park, in a
alley). I swear we never got caught in the most crowded places though. I hit that in a CVS parking lot, hit that in a mall parking lot. Crazy times, I miss that P :smh:

Ahhhh....I remember my crazy times in those peach fields, on the back alley behind these big factories. Good times too, she is gone tho :smh:
364 unread posts later, I'm all caught up :x

Internet connection is dumb *** slow at work, took forever to scroll through those youtube videos posted up there :lol:
I feel betrayed by my own blood y'all....
What happened?
Long story.. Been stressing about it since this morning. I'll post a long response when I get on a computer
I'll try to explain as much as I can and make this as short as possible and make some sense.

My sister who got pregnant from a bum.. no job having always telling lies mofo. She moves in with him(his bros house) again for the second time. The first time she got kicked out by him and she says when she was leaving he spit on her and told her she should do the world a favor and kill herself 
.. so she moves in with my brother, says all this bad stuff about him and how terrible he treats her. Not even a week later she says she's moving back in with him, we're all disappointed but we can't do anything about it.. and after a while she says how bad it is and we tell her to leave, but she's scared. She says they always argue 24/7 and can't get along.. one day she decides to move out while he's gone doing whatever he's doing and isn't home.. his brothers girlfriend helps my sister move on the low because she knows how bad that bum treats my sister she sees it first hand.

So she moves in with my older bro again and she's around 6 1/2 months pregnant. She says she's in a happy to have support(own room, brother let her use his car to go to work), my other sister throws her a baby shower everyone comes gives her gifts and whatever. She has names in mind and everything ready for the baby.. at around 8 months pregnant she moves in with me because it's a little closer to everything. She tells me how she made a huge mistake getting with him because she didn't even like him.. and how she wishes he wasn't the babys father etc etc.. fast forward to yesterday she talked to my sister late the day before saying she feels different and feels like she might go into labor soon.. then she somehow drove herself to the doctors early that morning and called no one but that bum, at around noon no one hears from her so my sister calls the hospital she knows my sister was supposed to give birth at and they say she's already in recovery.. meaning she already had her baby. She gave birth around 10-11am didn't tell any of us who has been supporting her for the past 3 months. So everyone leaves work early because we're so excited to see the baby, we wait in the waiting room. My oldest sister asks if we can go in, she says every time she asked my other sister always had to look at that fool as if she was asking is it ok. So after a few hours of waiting we all decided to leave.. because we hear nothing.. it's been almost a full day and we've seen one picture of the baby and that was a picture she posted on her instagram that none of us have we seen it because a family friend has her and asked if we've seen it 
 we don't know the babys name nothing..... 

I hope that makes sense I wrote it quick and my mind still trying to figure out what happened yesterday
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