the thread about nothing...

I'll try to explain as much as I can and make this as short as possible and make some sense.

My sister who got pregnant from a bum.. no job ha...
out what happened yesterday
That's a damn shame... Now that she's in "mom mode" she gonna stick with him, b/c it's way hard to do things that assist in getting over an ex, when your a new mom (ie going out and finding someone else, or hanging with friends)

From my experience, folks can sometimes look at family as unconditional, and it seems that's what she's doing...Worried about losing the bum, so she caters to him/his needs, over her family's needs.

Y'all all need to get in the same room, and confront the douchebag. Straight up tell him what shes been telling you, and let him know y'all aren't going to fly with this back and forth drama...get all that out of the way before the kid gets old enough to have to deal with this nonsense..



pregnancy test positive
that is all.

:smh: :wow: :wow: :evil: :evil: :pimp: she's damn near perfect....those pics in the Women of the Olympics thread are wonderful
I'll try to explain as much as I can and make this as short as possible and make some sense.

My sister who got pregnant from a bum.. no job ha...
out what happened yesterday
That's a damn shame... Now that she's in "mom mode" she gonna stick with him, b/c it's way hard to do things that assist in getting over an ex, when your a new mom (ie going out and finding someone else, or hanging with friends)

From my experience, folks can sometimes look at family as unconditional, and it seems that's what she's doing...Worried about losing the bum, so she caters to him/his needs, over her family's needs.

Y'all all need to get in the same room, and confront the douchebag. Straight up tell him what shes been telling you, and let him know y'all aren't going to fly with this back and forth drama...get all that out of the way before the kid gets old enough to have to deal with this nonsense..
Man we been trying to talk to that dude, he don't even come around.. we weren't even allowed in her room yesterday because we weren't allowed because she didn't want us and him in there at the same time.. so she decided forget the people who's been helping me all this time and stay with this bum who don't even got a place for me and the baby to stay..

For example this past new years we threw a party and everyone was cool in the party room and hanging out there was a lot of family and friends around.. she was there alone(we thought) and when we were all leaving we found out that fool was there too, except he was sitting in the car for like 3-4 hours 
 he doesn't even attempt to try to talk to us...

Yesterday was tough, I felt I got slapped in the face.. we waited hours there before we left and we still ain't got a name for the baby.. and she has yet to actually send us a picture or any info on the baby.. it's a shame
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I'll try to explain as much as I can and make this as short as possible and make some sense.

My sister who got pregnant from a bum.. no job ha...

out what happened yesterday
That's a damn shame... Now that she's in "mom mode" she gonna stick with him, b/c it's way hard to do things that assist in getting over an ex, when your a new mom (ie going out and finding someone else, or hanging with friends)

From my experience, folks can sometimes look at family as unconditional, and it seems that's what she's doing...Worried about losing the bum, so she caters to him/his needs, over her family's needs.

Y'all all need to get in the same room, and confront the douchebag. Straight up tell him what shes been telling you, and let him know y'all aren't going to fly with this back and forth drama...get all that out of the way before the kid gets old enough to have to deal with this nonsense..
Man we been trying to talk to that dude, he don't even come around.. we weren't even allowed in her room yesterday because we weren't allowed because she didn't want us and him in there at the same time.. so she decided forget the people who's been helping me all this time and stay with this bum who don't even got a place for me and the baby to stay..

For example this past new years we threw a party and everyone was cool in the party room and hanging out there was a lot of family and friends around.. she was there alone(we thought) and when we were all leaving we found out that fool was there too, except he was sitting in the car for like 3-4 hours :smh:  he doesn't even attempt to try to talk to us...

Yesterday was tough, I felt I got slapped in the face.. we waited hours there before we left and we still ain't got a name for the baby.. and she has yet to actually send us a picture or any info on the baby.. it's a shame

Just leave it be bro... you'll eventually find out, but right now she's just trying to work things out and have the father in the baby's life.

You can't knock her she's just trying to have her family with her, the baby, and the baby father.

Let her give it a try to see how things go, but if it doesn't work out and she comes back to you guys welcome her with open arms because she has nobody else to help her and she's scared and going to need all the help she will need.

This dude sounds like a douche I know, but not everyone you come across will have a personality that you agree with.

Just support her because she doesn't seem like a bad person... she's just trying to have that family nucleus that most women want... and real men do too.

Sometimes it doesn't always work out, but let her try maybe it will work out and maybe it won't but whatever happens that's your sister so have her best interests, and the baby, in your heart at all times.
Man we been trying to talk to that dude, he don't even come around.. we weren't even allowed in her room yesterday because we weren't allowed because she didn't want us and him in there at the same time.. so she decided forget the people who's been helping me all this time and stay with this bum who don't even got a place for me and the baby to stay..

For example this past new years we threw a party and everyone was cool in the party room and hanging out there was a lot of family and friends around.. she was there alone(we thought) and when we were all leaving we found out that fool was there too, except he was sitting in the car for like 3-4 hours :smh:  he doesn't even attempt to try to talk to us...

Yesterday was tough, I felt I got slapped in the face.. we waited hours there before we left and we still ain't got a name for the baby.. and she has yet to actually send us a picture or any info on the baby.. it's a shame

Forget about the fool of a baby daddy, tell her how you and the rest of your family feel disrespected by her actions. Perhaps even withdraw your support (from her NOT the baby, two different things) so she realizes whose been really with her this whole time. As Robert Greene says, create value through scarcity.
She has told my cousin that she's scared to leave because he always threatens to go to court for custody or some bs like that..

We googled that fool and got mugshots of him and past arrest for animal cruelty and terroristic threats of some crap like that in MN and Arizona where he is from..

But you right, I'll just leave it be, let her figure it out herself.. but man after so many times of helping someone who doesn't seem to appreciate anything you do for them, makes you not want to help again...

I feel like we're enabling her to be that way because she knows she always has us to fall back on

EDIT: I understand she is our sister, but she needs to treat us like her family too.. yesterday I feel as if we were treated as strangers to her.. she sent one text to my sister when she found out we left.. saying sorry you guys had to drive all the way over here
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Watching cocaine between the lines. This druglord who got executed, then at his wake his Mother, Sister, Brothers, and Uncle were executed :wow: :wow: :wow:

Making 30-40k a day :wow:

She gave birth around 10-11am didn't tell any of us who has been supporting her for the past 3 months. So everyone leaves work early because we're so excited to see the baby, we wait in the waiting room. My oldest sister asks if we can go in, she says every time she asked my other sister always had to look at that fool as if she was asking is it ok. So after a few hours of waiting we all decided to leave.. because we hear nothing.. it's been almost a full day and we've seen one picture of the baby and that was a picture she posted on her instagram that none of us have we seen it because a family friend has her and asked if we've seen it :smh: we don't know the babys name nothing.....

couldn't come back and ask me for anything after that crap
ungrateful :smh:
for da first time i can hionestly say i feel good fambs, aint got hundereds of breezys but im working, focusing on myself, no stress jus checks feels goodman :D
times have changed... heading out to cop the KICKS/HI Vans > those crap Jordan IV re re re release... 10 years ago I would have laughed in your face if you told me I would be copping Vans over a Jordan IV
I have the TV on in the background.

A Total Gym infomercial just started.

Why the hell would Chuck Norris have to introduce himself?

"Hi, I'm Chuck Norris."

"Hi, prepare to die."
wow stupid spell check made my order from karmaloop say the town i live in freeportavenueFreeport,New York instead of just Freeport,New York now i got to wait till monday to change it
My girl wants to see Total Recall today :smh: I dunno why but I'm not really feelin it for this movie
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