the thread about nothing...

What you should do is be honest...especially since she is sensing you dont want to be with her

Prolonging this will only do more damage down the line

You can't avoid the hurt feels, it's part of deal....and do you also mean her physically hurting herself? she have a history of that in the past?
I wish it could be like Seinfeld and have a mutual break up

Yeah, I know it happened last month, and I bs'ed like I cared and now I know its gonna be bad now.

Yeah she has in the past, like taking pills and messing herself up.
slow down grab the waw
now wiggle like you tryna make yo *** fall off
hella thick i wanna smash em aww
now speed up
gas pedow gas pedow gas pedow

never putting my alarm on radio again, i gotta wake up to that frightening beep to have a productive day I guess
You should try talking about it with her, talking about what are your goals, what you want to achieve, how she can help you, how she is not. Try to solve it by communication if you want to fight for her. Try to bring it back to the roots of the relationship.

But if you are really done with her and the relationship, man up and tell her. There is a good way to tell her, but she will be hurt for sure, no matter how you tell her. It is just the way it is.
I think that this may work. It's been awhile since we've even talked about our goals. She's just so damn needy sometimes.

Those damn feels

Ima try to do that, and if it doesn't work, then Ima have to man up and tell her
Been together with my girl for four years now, but I've been distant and wanting to break up for the last 2 months. Just tired of everything, and all her crap. she expects me to be there for her on every little goddamn thing, and i'm trying to focus on school and work, and my own weight loss.

She calls me today, and says I want to end it, cuz you're never there. I know what she's doing, she just wants me to fight for us, (she's done this before)

My question is; she said lets end it, and I want to, but I don't want to hurt her or her to hurt herself. what do i do?

I dont know what to do, but I'm honestly so done with this relationship.
You should try talking about it with her, talking about what are your goals, what you want to achieve, how she can help you, how she is not. Try to solve it by communication if you want to fight for her. Try to bring it back to the roots of the relationship.

But if you are really done with her and the relationship, man up and tell her. There is a good way to tell her, but she will be hurt for sure, no matter how you tell her. It is just the way it is.
what happened 

did you ever get my list of stuff that made me happy???
iono all of the talk of being free got to me, I'm just like you; I drink any/every chance I get.
Girl didn't like that & used it against me,
nothing to be mad about . .

All I every asked for was p-ssy & patience . . .

I don't want to go into it, but I would like you to know that drinking makes me happier more than anything . . .

i guess you can say, "Her clouded sense of reality fades as she is finally able to face her fears and surrender to the truth . . "


Of course man, I read about every post in here; nobody is blocked . . we have a lot in common except tanning, The Kings, pedis, ugg boots (i like wearing my timbs), I don't pop molly (I rock Tom Ford *shout outs to @Antidope*), never been to London & can't eat mussels cause I'm allergic to shellfish. Other than that we cool

also i don't think that "@" works on me bcause my screen name has spaces . . .
Damn, I think that's all we ever ask for, ***** and patience 

but dog, when you're with a female you need to at least have your **** half together. Can't be looking to go on a bender every chance you get still 

Drinking ain't that great, and it doesn't really make me feel happy or anything, heck now that I think of it I don't know what it makes me feel 

'Sup LOT, my hat's too big
I love seeing that in real life and saying it out loud as I walk by someone with a hat that is indeed too big
Black coffee is growing on me, quickly.
Hell ya
Morning Tan

Thoughts of the morning: I am sick of people criticizing things you like that they don't like. Oh you like the new ipad air? You are a sheep apple will sell you dog crap and you will buy it....uh i like the design....and functionality....its actually a very well made device

Oh you bought kd vi pbj' a hype beast cause of the dumb name i hope they sit on shelves....uh i actually really like the colorway....and the story behind it is cool with me...but black and yellow with the purple accents looks great....

whatever happened to "oh those aren't for me but glad you like them". It might sound crazy....but some people actually like things that are made. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they should never be sold.

also saw an insane accident yesterday. Dude got t-boned by a dude at an intersection. Guy was making a left infront of traffic got hit by a dude going at least was soooo loud and happened so fast i was like in total shock....hope dude is ok he was out cold when people were trying to pry his door open to help him
My roommate is EXACTLY like this.

Half the time, after 30 seconds of him 'lecturing'/criticizing something I will just end the convo by literally saying "Great, you've won this conversation" and walk away 

Or when we are drinking and he's talking to other people I just butt in to their conversation and do my Mandarin voice from Iron Man 3 and say "ready for another lesson"

It sucks, cuz my roommate has something to say about anything and everything.

"Yo what time are you leaving tomorrow for LA?"

me- "11"

"HAHAHAHAHA you're gonna hit so much traffic!! ROFL"

me- "Have you ever made the drive to LA? I'll be there by 4:30, 5 at the latest and beating traffic *****"

Hell this dude is fat as hell, and was offering me nutrition advice. Had me 
'ing him the entire time
That cracked out feeling

Might throw up
Love that feeling.
AJ is from my area jet


Also that that black wrestler that had a macho man persona, forgot his name, but i think he wrestled for TNA. Young dude. eat that chicks butthole with pride

you talkin about Jay Lethal? He piped AJ 
Pics/info of said AJ person 

My mom and my sis are the ****
pics of said mom and sis 

OK cool. I've dealt with the distant thing before, it's nothing new. This time just felt different and she didn't communicate with me why or that she in fact needed some space so that msg was to reinforce me telling her before that that doesn't fly with me. I don't turn a blind eye when you want to be sketchy.

This was last week though and I didn't talk to her until this past Monday when she called. She never gave a good reason for the distance she was more focused on my message and how she couldn't understand why I would say that. Anyway we've stopped talking and I'm overall annoyed at immaturity of it.
 there is this broad I've been messing with for like months now. And I just ignore her and she always comes back.

FYI, that type of chick is the type of chick to never be in a relationship with.

Good smang tho.
Beret/fitted hat weather.
******g finally.
******g selfie pic? 

pbj for breakfast

That struggle breakfast
I ate a sugar sandwich. Appreciate that pbj
Whatchu know about mayo sandwiches
How was ur goals papi elpablo
Bruce, where have you been. 

How was hw

how was work
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I swear all I see on campus are guys wearing moccasins/boat shoes and have that Pompadour haircut...
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I'm not sure what it is about this semester but I've had to write 3 book reports, I'm a senior in college. I haven't had to write a book report since sophomore year of hs...smh
It doesn't feel like halloween time today.
da emasculation of holidays b.
hey guys i have a question. If i sign up for a credit union, how long do I have to wait before i apply for an auto loan. Or what are the qualifications to get an auto loan from a CU?
hey guys i have a question. If i sign up for a credit union, how long do I have to wait before i apply for an auto loan. Or what are the qualifications to get an auto loan from a CU?
Pretty sure you can do it right away.
it has not feel like halloween season since i was a kid.

i feel like nobody gives a damn here for halloween anymore :smh:
You should come to socal and trick or treat together. We can be raggedy ann and andy.

Halloween isnt a holiday doe...
**** yea it is. I have never worked or gone to school on halloween or the day after.
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