the thread about nothing...

ready fellas
OK cool. I've dealt with the distant thing before, it's nothing new. This time just felt different and she didn't communicate with me why or that she in fact needed some space so that msg was to reinforce me telling her before that that doesn't fly with me. I don't turn a blind eye when you want to be sketchy.

This was last week though and I didn't talk to her until this past Monday when she called. She never gave a good reason for the distance she was more focused on my message and how she couldn't understand why I would say that. Anyway we've stopped talking and I'm overall annoyed at immaturity of it.
Sometimes women go through things that they don't think men can understand, or they don't want to share with someone close to them. As much as you open yourself up to hearing them out, sometimes they just want to be left alone or left to talk a girlfriend about it.

Give her space until she starts talking to you again. If she mentions the distant thing, ignore it. If she doesn't mention it, don't bring it up. Then the next time you see her in person, bring it up (not right away) non-nonchalantly like, "so where you been lately?" and hear her out. You'll be able to get a better feel for the situation in person when she can't keep being distant or flip the script and ask if you are upset.

That's just what I'd do.
Saw the girl I wanted kiss her bf I didn't know she had. I should have suspected something when she was writing both their names inside a heart yesterday in class :x
The music that some dominicans make back on the island is just :smh: this female looks like a male with bright colored pants and blue tank...
You guys must all be single. Women are emotional, unpredictable creatures with constantly changing hormone levels... Sometimes you just gotta let wimminz wimmin

No need to go overboard with the simping, but if your so stuck in your ways that you cut off every girl as soon as they act a little funny or do something you don't like your going to be alone forever.
Need you dudes opinion on something.

Been dating a girl for the past two months. We'd grown accustom to talking everyday. If we didn't, no biggie, people need their space sometimes.

Anyway last Sunday I noticed that she was being distant. I gave her a day, then called that night but no answer. After that I knew something was up so I sat back and waited. Two days later she sent me a morning message that said, "I know I've been distant lately but it's a lot going on with me. Thanks for being so understanding and giving me my space." I didn't like that msg at all. I interpreted it as "thanks for letting me ignore you this week, I'm not sorry and won't let you know when I'm done." So I didn't reply. A few hours later she sends another text asking if I was upset. I waited and responded with "annoyed and disappointed. Talk to me when you get yourself together."

Did I overreact?

SN: coffee
You're not wrong, but I can't really say since I don't know either of you personally. But I will say this, if it continues just ask her flat out if she is exploring her options. It's a fair question and you want and deserve honesty. Explain to her how  you feel about it and take it from there.
Beret/fitted hat weather.
******g finally.
Saw the girl I wanted kiss her bf I didn't know she had. I should have suspected something when she was writing both their names inside a heart yesterday in class
Wait wut
wording man, wording....
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