the thread about nothing...

TAN was on a roll tonight





Word thats the most active Late Night TAN has been in forever

Woke up.

Walked into my kitchen. Grabbed a water.

Walking bacc up the stairs, i pass this ****.

I let my little brother move in few weeks ago. I told him chill on bringing random skees to the crib before i even invited him to move in (new house, nice suburb, trying to keep the quality of life above the bar). But this **** right here, costed him a room. I cannot have **** like this knowing where I live, b. 
I YELLED. If you really kick dude out thats a true savaging.

My dog died today.

I'm a sobbing mess right now.
Damn bro I'm sorry.

Signing 'graphs before the show last weekend
Thats dope man congratulations. People who live out their dreams >>>>>>>>
AJ is from my area jet


Also that that black wrestler that had a macho man persona, forgot his name, but i think he wrestled for TNA. Young dude. eat that chicks butthole with pride

you talkin about Jay Lethal? He piped AJ 
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@Jet27  I had no clue you wrestled for real. I thought you were ************ this whole time. That's a tough living man. Hope it works out well for you. You'd be better as a heel, you're pretty good at it 
Morning Tan

Thoughts of the morning: I am sick of people criticizing things you like that they don't like. Oh you like the new ipad air? You are a sheep apple will sell you dog crap and you will buy it....uh i like the design....and functionality....its actually a very well made device

Oh you bought kd vi pbj' a hype beast cause of the dumb name i hope they sit on shelves....uh i actually really like the colorway....and the story behind it is cool with me...but black and yellow with the purple accents looks great....

whatever happened to "oh those aren't for me but glad you like them". It might sound crazy....but some people actually like things that are made. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they should never be sold.

Or you can just ignore them and do you.

lol pretty much

Different people are going to have different opinions on things and some of those people will be extremely vocal. The idea of being labeled a "hater" just because you don't like something or have legit criticisms of it is absurd and has really gotten out of hand. If people never criticized things there would be no change and no progress; criticism is good for society.

On that note.... Apple is overpriced your paying primarily for the name....

KDs are ugly and the name is uglier.... I mean... a swoosh the looks like you spilled Jam on your shoes? :x
I dont care how much KD likes Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.... This is an obvious ploy to exploit the current state of the market and sell more stupidly themed shoes to stoners with the munchies.
Michael Jordan ate a rare porterhouse steak before every game. That doesn't mean Im interested in ever seeing an ugly pair of brown and pink sneakers based on his meal choices. [ Gentry ] See... what we did here is make the hyperfuse look like the burned score marks on the beef that Michael loved so much [ / Gentry ]

Also I absolutely hate no sew shoes. Fuse "technology" is not really technology but rather a was for companys to streamline and lower production costs by eliminating leather in favor of cheap synthetics that can be assembled almost entirely by machine.

Those arent for me and I am glad you like them. But that's not ging to stop me from talking about the things I dont like about them, just like it shouldn't stop you from talking about the things you do like about them.

"Now the world dont move to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you might not be right for some.
Different strokes... it takes different strokes..... its takes different strokes to move the world. "

Black coffee is growing on me, quickly.

I'm going on a few months I've drinking my coffee black now. I drink one cup a day when I get to work. Sometimes if I forget to make coffee at home on the weekend I just pass out mid way through the day. My body is definitely dependent on that one cup a day.

I had a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks the other day and felt sick after because all the milk and sugar that was in it.

You'll start to appreciate the natural flavors from your coffee a lot more once you only drink black coffee.

Chamomile tea with soy milk and stevia >>>>>>>

Pro now officially

Congrats Club

What's your "persona" jet :lol:

Im curious as well. Still doing "Senor Entertainment" ?
Next time MTV casts people for a show go on there like The Miz and starting wrestling everybody you'll get a contract with the WWE playa 
Need you dudes opinion on something.

Been dating a girl for the past two months. We'd grown accustom to talking everyday. If we didn't, no biggie, people need their space sometimes.

Anyway last Sunday I noticed that she was being distant. I gave her a day, then called that night but no answer. After that I knew something was up so I sat back and waited. Two days later she sent me a morning message that said, "I know I've been distant lately but it's a lot going on with me. Thanks for being so understanding and giving me my space." I didn't like that msg at all. I interpreted it as "thanks for letting me ignore you this week, I'm not sorry and won't let you know when I'm done." So I didn't reply. A few hours later she sends another text asking if I was upset. I waited and responded with "annoyed and disappointed. Talk to me when you get yourself together."

Did I overreact?

SN: coffee
She at least owes you an explanation on why she was distant. I don't think you over reacted at all. Over reacting would be accusing her of cheating and showing up at her crib red to go
Need you dudes opinion on something.

Been dating a girl for the past two months. We'd grown accustom to talking everyday. If we didn't, no biggie, people need their space sometimes.

Anyway last Sunday I noticed that she was being distant. I gave her a day, then called that night but no answer. After that I knew something was up so I sat back and waited. Two days later she sent me a morning message that said, "I know I've been distant lately but it's a lot going on with me. Thanks for being so understanding and giving me my space." I didn't like that msg at all. I interpreted it as "thanks for letting me ignore you this week, I'm not sorry and won't let you know when I'm done." So I didn't reply. A few hours later she sends another text asking if I was upset. I waited and responded with "annoyed and disappointed. Talk to me when you get yourself together."

Did I overreact?

SN: coffee
You didn't overreact. I would've asked her what's been going on with her though.
@beh235  thanks man 
 yeah once i get some more experience, ill let the world know my true heelish persona

@JJ Watt  they brought me in as my trainers protege from back home (since we're both Ecuadorian) and now they call me The Jet, which is just a moniker i run with until i get some more experience and then i can go with my heel persona, which is a lot of what NTers may see around here 

@dankenstien88  i just do Senor Entertainment on special occasions now (like LIVE this friday at American Top Team Coconut Creek, FL (cheap plug))  
Need you dudes opinion on something.

Been dating a girl for the past two months. We'd grown accustom to talking everyday. If we didn't, no biggie, people need their space sometimes.

Anyway last Sunday I noticed that she was being distant. I gave her a day, then called that night but no answer. After that I knew something was up so I sat back and waited. Two days later she sent me a morning message that said, "I know I've been distant lately but it's a lot going on with me. Thanks for being so understanding and giving me my space." I didn't like that msg at all. I interpreted it as "thanks for letting me ignore you this week, I'm not sorry and won't let you know when I'm done." So I didn't reply. A few hours later she sends another text asking if I was upset. I waited and responded with "annoyed and disappointed. Talk to me when you get yourself together."

Did I overreact?

SN: coffee
Cancel that...
Need you dudes opinion on something.

Been dating a girl for the past two months. We'd grown accustom to talking everyday. If we didn't, no biggie, people need their space sometimes.

Anyway last Sunday I noticed that she was being distant. I gave her a day, then called that night but no answer. After that I knew something was up so I sat back and waited. Two days later she sent me a morning message that said, "I know I've been distant lately but it's a lot going on with me. Thanks for being so understanding and giving me my space." I didn't like that msg at all. I interpreted it as "thanks for letting me ignore you this week, I'm not sorry and won't let you know when I'm done." So I didn't reply. A few hours later she sends another text asking if I was upset. I waited and responded with "annoyed and disappointed. Talk to me when you get yourself together."

Did I overreact?

SN: coffee:nthat:

You didn't overreact. I would've asked her what's been going on with her though.

Shes been slooting it out, now shes ready to stop.

******* need to learn they cant have their cake and eat it too.
Sounds like she is being flaky for a reason retro. Your two options are cut her off and let her come to you. Or do some research and see why she is acting like that if you really like her.
OK cool. I've dealt with the distant thing before, it's nothing new. This time just felt different and she didn't communicate with me why or that she in fact needed some space so that msg was to reinforce me telling her before that that doesn't fly with me. I don't turn a blind eye when you want to be sketchy.

This was last week though and I didn't talk to her until this past Monday when she called. She never gave a good reason for the distance she was more focused on my message and how she couldn't understand why I would say that. Anyway we've stopped talking and I'm overall annoyed at immaturity of it.
Crazy how big The Miz got

I remember watching him on MTV and The Miz was just a joke

I think he was The WWE Champ at one point
OK cool. I've dealt with the distant thing before, it's nothing new. This time just felt different and she didn't communicate with me why or that she in fact needed some space so that msg was to reinforce me telling her before that that doesn't fly with me. I don't turn a blind eye when you want to be sketchy.

This was last week though and I didn't talk to her until this past Monday when she called. She never gave a good reason for the distance she was more focused on my message and how she couldn't understand why I would say that. Anyway we've stopped talking and I'm overall annoyed at immaturity of it.

All I can say now is I hope you learned from this. Females can be very deceiving. I'm dealing with one now I'm not sure about but we will see how things play out
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