the thread about nothing...

Just fell asleep for like an hour and half now i;m back up 
 i have a problem with sleeping
Have you tried anything like melatonin or valerian root?
Ive tried the expensive GNC brand melatonin and the cheap walgreens nature valley brand neither worked for me. If you have super duper insomnia like me youre probably gona have to try a really high dosage. Me, I just bought the cheapest of each brand(even the cheapest GNC **** is expensive). Usually if im really struggling to get to sleep ill drink a 40 or two of 211, get my fap on, and pop a few tylenol pm.
Melatonin works very well for most people. Didn't work at all in any dosage for me but I'm prescribed sleeping medication so I'm not exactly a regular case.

My mom has the same problem you describe and it works great for her.
"A little over a year ago I was in bondage, and now I'm back out here reaping the blessings and getting the benefits that go along with it, everything that's out here for kings like us. The reason why we like this, this jewelry and this diamonds and stuff, they don't understand is, because we really from Africa, and that's where all this stuff come from. And we originated from kings, you know what I'm saying? So don't look down on the youngsters because they wanna have shiny things. It's in our genes, know what I'm saying? We just don't all know our history, so—"
Morning Tan

Thoughts of the morning: I am sick of people criticizing things you like that they don't like. Oh you like the new ipad air? You are a sheep apple will sell you dog crap and you will buy it....uh i like the design....and functionality....its actually a very well made device

Oh you bought kd vi pbj' a hype beast cause of the dumb name i hope they sit on shelves....uh i actually really like the colorway....and the story behind it is cool with me...but black and yellow with the purple accents looks great....

whatever happened to "oh those aren't for me but glad you like them". It might sound crazy....but some people actually like things that are made. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they should never be sold.

also saw an insane accident yesterday. Dude got t-boned by a dude at an intersection. Guy was making a left infront of traffic got hit by a dude going at least was soooo loud and happened so fast i was like in total shock....hope dude is ok he was out cold when people were trying to pry his door open to help him
what happened :frown:

did you ever get my list of stuff that made me happy???
iono all of the talk of being free got to me, I'm just like you; I drink any/every chance I get.
Girl didn't like that & used it against me, 8) nothing to be mad about . .

All I every asked for was p-ssy & patience . . . |I

I don't want to go into it, but I would like you to know that drinking makes me happier more than anything . . .

i guess you can say, "Her clouded sense of reality fades as she is finally able to face her fears and surrender to the truth . . "

Of course man, I read about every post in here; nobody is blocked . . we have a lot in common except tanning, The Kings, pedis, ugg boots (i like wearing my timbs), I don't pop molly (I rock Tom Ford *shout outs to @Antidope*), never been to London & can't eat mussels cause I'm allergic to shellfish. Other than that we cool :nthat:
also i don't think that "@" works on me bcause my screen name has spaces . . .
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