the thread about nothing...

Morning Tan

Thoughts of the morning: I am sick of people criticizing things you like that they don't like. Oh you like the new ipad air? You are a sheep apple will sell you dog crap and you will buy it....uh i like the design....and functionality....its actually a very well made device

Oh you bought kd vi pbj' a hype beast cause of the dumb name i hope they sit on shelves....uh i actually really like the colorway....and the story behind it is cool with me...but black and yellow with the purple accents looks great....

whatever happened to "oh those aren't for me but glad you like them". It might sound crazy....but some people actually like things that are made. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they should never be sold.

Or you can just ignore them and do you.
Black coffee is growing on me, quickly.
I'm going on a few months I've drinking my coffee black now. I drink one cup a day when I get to work. Sometimes if I forget to make coffee at home on the weekend I just pass out mid way through the day. My body is definitely dependent on that one cup a day.

I had a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks the other day and felt sick after because all the milk and sugar that was in it.

You'll start to appreciate the natural flavors from your coffee a lot more once you only drink black coffee.
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Black coffee is growing on me, quickly.

I'm going on a few months I've drinking my coffee black now. I drink one cup a day when I get to work. Sometimes if I forget to make coffee at home on the weekend I just pass out mid way through the day. My body is definitely dependent on that one cup a day.

I had a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks the other day and felt sick after because all the milk and sugar that was in it.

You'll start to appreciate the natural flavors from your coffee a lot more once you only drink black coffee.


**** is gross doe..
Black coffee is growing on me, quickly.
I'm going on a few months I've drinking my coffee black now. I drink one cup a day when I get to work. Sometimes if I forget to make coffee at home on the weekend I just pass out mid way through the day. My body is definitely dependent on that one cup a day.

I had a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks the other day and felt sick after because all the milk and sugar that was in it.

You'll start to appreciate the natural flavors from your coffee a lot more once you only drink black coffee.
Yea I've been on this kick for about 10 days now... Usually I'd go 2-3 sugars and cream...

Trying to eat better though and cut out those sugars, I used to think I hated black coffee but I never really gave it a shot.  Really starting to like it now.
speaking of wrestling....

The skinny Mexican dude in the blue speedos was my squad leader in the Marines.  He always tried to keep this **** secret until I randomly found it on youtube. He never lived this ******** down

same as being a professional in any endeavor: financial compensation
Do you have an employer or are you a freelance worker?

I don't know how wrestling works but in professional sports I would consider being officially pro as being paid under contract. I'm just wondering if you have an employer and a contract or you're doing freelance work as your day job.

Congratulations either way. It's nice to get paid to do things you love, even if it's not a lot of money.
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how did you get into it?  It looks like tons of fun, was this a childhood dream?

How much time do you spend in the gym to maintain what you do?
childhood dream yes but not something i pursued seriously (or at all) until last year

i was "discovered" by a promoter during a jiu jitsu tournament and he asked if i had any interest in doing it

here we are 8 months later. we have practice 3 nights a week
To my understanding most small gyms / arenas pay their own guys.

Some guys wrestle for free and hope they get a big shot.

I have a couple of wrestles of north jersey that I know off that started in my area for basically free and as they got bigger moved on and got paid.
100% correct
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Salted Caramel White Chocolate Mocha :pimp:

Don't know why I continue to drink coffee when it doesn't always sit well on my stomach. Damn you Starbucks for making it so good!!!
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