the thread about nothing...

oh snap. spike lee knows ninjahood
I actually was going to post this last week but I got lazy and didn't think it was worth the post 
. I was going to post exactly what you said.
Spike Lee is a cool dude in Person.
Once again this doesn't shock me coming from you, given the accounts I have heard numerous times over the years that Shelton is a jerk. My brother even told me one time that Spike stared at him with an angry face, all my brother was trying to do was get out of the building 
oh snap. spike lee knows ninjahood
I actually was going to post this last week but I got lazy and didn't think it was worth the post 
. I was going to post exactly what you said.

Spike Lee is a cool dude in Person.
Once again this doesn't shock me coming from you, given the accounts I have heard numerous times over the years that Shelton is a jerk. My brother even told me one time that Spike stared at him with an angry face, all my brother was trying to do was get out of the building 
He stopped and waved at my mom when she saw him, plus he was always nice when he came to my school and spoke. Thats all I need to know in order to determine his coolness/niceness.
Spike Lee has become the new Al Sharpton..... Media calls him in when they want to get otherwise sensible black people riled up. Hes sure to drop 1 decent logical point mixed in with a bunch of metaphors, idioms and other bull intended to cause dissent among common people while gaining publicity for himself.

He lost alot of respect when he went on his Kickstarter campaign..... this guy has been established for nearly 30 years...... He does not need a "Kick-Start".

He spoke about doing big budget pictures he didnt really like because the paychecks were so big he can use them to finance his own visions in independent films..... but wait a minute hes still asking poor people to finance his films.

He talked about donating over 300k to independent filmmakers throughout the course of his career like it was any more than a drop on a hot stone..... this guy lives in a $30 million dollar home for goodness sake.

The man is a massive hypocrite.... Dont forget this is the same guy who teamed up with Absolut Vodka to create urban themed cartoony labels in an attempt to increase their marketshare and entice a younger generation blacks to buy vodka over other liquors. .... But... but ......but out of the millions he was paid he publicly donated 50k to habitat for humanity.... and that right there makes it all ok.

Dude has become nothing more than an image... a shell of his former self.. and he has not made a decent movie in years.
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@Antidope  well, you got the nice side of him. He hasn't been so kind in other settings. How you gonna get mad at people about not getting you a couple of pairs of Spiz'ikes in two seconds? Forreal dawg? 
. I don't care if it was a collab with his name on them, I'd tell him to his face that they were wack.
Spike lee wouldn't let me take a picture of him once

He came into the Uniqlo on 5th ave when I was leaving.

I still love him for He Got Game and Malcolm X though.

Love & Basketball was good too but I think he just produced that.

@dankenstien88You right about that kickstarter campaign being BS though.
@bay1591  my bad, I can take a joke. I joke ALL the time. I just can't see how you came to that conclusion is all. But think about how I framed what I said, how can you possibly think that response was THAT serious? 

@ROBPZEE612  a Spike Lee thread is not a good idea. It's just going to turn into a race thread and be the proverbial dog chasing it's tail all over again, it's not needed, at least in my opinion.
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 my bad, I can take a joke. I joke ALL the time. I just can't see how you came to that conclusion is all. But think about how I framed what I said, how can you possibly think that response was THAT serious? :lol:

 a Spike Lee thread is not a good idea. It's just going to turn into a race thread and be the proverbial dog chasing it's tail all over again, it's not needed, at least in my opinion.

I said that simply because Tyler perry dislikes spike lee...didnt mean it literally...

ps i hate tyler too lol
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NT have an odd obsession with race, religion, and sexual orientation threads tho.
True, NONE of which leads to an productive and mature conclusion. It just reveals how some people truly feel and just an open forum for trolls to do whatever. I refuse to participate in any of it and I asked Meth to just not allow it, but it's up to us to report things, but of course everyone fees that reporting is just snitching and nitpicking so it never goes anywhere. It's just a circular issue on this board.
 my bad, I can take a joke. I joke ALL the time. I just can't see how you came to that conclusion is all. But think about how I framed what I said, how can you possibly think that response was THAT serious? 

 a Spike Lee thread is not a good idea. It's just going to turn into a race thread and be the proverbial dog chasing it's tail all over again, it's not needed, at least in my opinion.
I said that simply because Tyler perry dislikes spike lee...didnt mean it literally...

ps i hate tyler too lol
Oh cool. I forgot that he doesn't like Spike, I tune out when I hear Tyler Perry's name honestly 
. I dislike both of them but I still think Spike is the lesser of two evils 
Did NT hear about that terrible car accident last night ??? The guy lost his left arm left leg and even his left ear... hes ALL RIGHT now..
TAN, homecoming is next weekend and im paying 50 :smile:{) for my ticket. Planning on wearing some pink for breast cancer awareness, but I need help with wardrobe. My idea was pink dress shirt, khaki slacks, and black dress shoes. We have a "theme" but no one at my school cares to even consider it, except for the cornballs that go all out for spirit week. I call on you my NT brethren to help me!
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