the thread about nothing...

Everytime I close my eyes, Wake up feeling so horrnnny!

What's good wit ya'll ?

I'm feeling good, texted this girl for hours last night, at her behest not mine,

lil whoadie feeling me. Damb I am a charming dude when I want to be.
Last night was
Everytime I close my eyes, Wake up feeling so horrnnny!

What's good wit ya'll ?
I'm feeling good, texted this girl for hours last night, at her behest not mine,
lil whoadie feeling me. Damb I am a charming dude when I want to be.

Calm down youngin'.
Everytime I close my eyes, Wake up feeling so horrnnny!

What's good wit ya'll ?
I'm feeling good, texted this girl for hours last night, at her behest not mine,
lil whoadie feeling me. Damb I am a charming dude when I want to be.
you getting a little too close
Well damb 

At that song
You'll learn with time that extended text conversations mean absolutely nothing.
What means something? Not tryin to be an a-hole. I'm legitimately asking.

I wasn't hype off the conversation, I was hype off the fact that she's feeling me,

and I ain't have to do nothing. 
You'll learn with time that extended text conversations mean absolutely nothing.

What means something? Not tryin to be an a-hole. I'm legitimately asking.
I wasn't hype off the conversation, I was hype off the fact that she's feeling me,
and I ain't have to do nothing. 

In person interactions, intimacy.

:lol: the look on dudes faces when they text their heart out with a future and even sex with a young lady only to have her go "lol i love texting you, you're like my big bro". Chicks are odd and illogical, not saying don't feel good about a situation, just keep calm and curb your enthusiasm without ignoring her or being phony.
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