the thread about nothing...

I laugh at funny things, people calling each other papi or posting the same gif five times a day just aren't funny.

I probably watch and know more comedy than the average regular in this thread. Don't mistake not laughing at little jokes for not having a sense of humor or knowing comedy.

who are some of your favorites?

mine: Mitch Hedberg, Chris Rock, Jim Gaffigan, Bill Burr, Aries Spears, Bernie Mac, Louis Black, Aziz
My recent watched are Aziz, Louis CK, John Mulaney, Russell Peters, Patrice O'Neal, Woody Allen. In addition some favorites are Hedberg, Rock, Burr, Carlin, Steve Martin, Lenny Bruce, and of course Pryor. I'm sure I'll remember 5 more the second I hit submit.
I personally enjoy some Bob Hope, Yakov Smirnoff, Gallagher, Carrot Top...and the Dane Cook of the early 2000's.
Luck is the best term for what you need to win in this game.

Being in first place until the final straightaway, then getting hit by those blue shells and dropping to 3rd/4th
lol it happened to me but i still got first place overall.
I have a 69 in my AP Chemistry class (but I get +10 points on my final grade) and I have a test tomorrow and I didn't even study at all tonight.

:smh: This class is going to blow my 4.0. I guess it's a good thing I got accepted to both of my top 2 choices.

Don't judge me, I'm not lazy, it's just the teacher is horrible and the material is overwhelming.

Oh well.

edit: Okay I am lazy, I just care more about soccer than schoolwork.
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I have a 69 in my AP Chemistry class (but I get +10 points on my final grade) and I have a test tomorrow and I didn't even study at all tonight.

:smh: This class is going to blow my 4.0. I guess it's a good thing I got accepted to both of my top 2 choices.

Don't judge me, I'm not lazy, it's just the teacher is horrible and the material is overwhelming.

Oh well.

edit: Okay I am lazy, I just care more about soccer than schoolwork.

4.0 doesn't mean **** in college when you have 3 exams for one semester that decide if you get to pass or not. Don't give up on your class now. study something tonight damn it.

Also, you better get that 5 on the AP test son. you will have the ultimate schadenfreude as a freshman when everyone else is getting C's and suffering the labs. I took G Chem last year in college. It was terrible and will be when you get here too and have to relearn all the things you studied in AP Chem.

I realize I'm living vicariously through you by telling you what to do but seriously don't blow the AP test off. You have like a full month to at least get you past a semester, maybe two semesters of chemistry by acing the AP test.

go rock that test tomorrow
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I think I brought the ***** to the weight room with me :smh:

My the mighty has fallen..... One step at a time I suppose :lol:
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I had a job interview at this gig I really wanted. I didn't take a resume and I didn't get the job pretty much. I had a lot going on so I wasn't focused on it entirely. Maybe I dropped the ball on a few questions I coulda done better. Im in the process of getting a interview again.
Would it be weird If I changed my answers to questions they previously asked me if im interviewed by the same people obviously.
For example.
They asked how well did you sell in your last job and what was your goal.
For example. Goal:10 a month
Every month id sell min 10, 14 reg but def met the 10 a month goal. (Which is obvious bs I can't even remember what number I told them exactly nor what was our goal). Should I just keep it the same instead of changing it to seem like I sold alot more than the goal?
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If they're giving you a second chance, they must have liked something about you.I don't think you should change any hardcore facts you've given themmaybe give more specifics to already answered questions.go get'em
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