the thread about nothing...

All this talk about drinking...

Ive never been drunk...

have you ever tasted alcohol ?

Oh yea..a couple here and there but i ve never been...think im a light weight anyways
so, what's stopping you?
you want me to get drunk?

only if you're buying
lol, just want to know if it is a personal decision or if the opportunity never arose, ya know?

don't mind buying drinks
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2 summers ago, my boy hit me up for a job at the riviera for some church people.

50 bucks for an hour of passing out flyers.

when we got there we saw all these young kids, there was a christian youth group staying there and they had a bunch of activities and whatnot.

anyway so besides my homie i got some dude i worked with and he brought a friend.

we got to the riviera and we were met with some white dude that was running things, he leads us to a hotel room and him and his 3 buddies give us these pamphlets and shirts.

they basically wanted us to rustle these kids jimmies, they made up a fake site for some dude in the pamphlet.

we had to tell em that on this date, this weird dude was coming and so on..

it was the best time i've have ever had, these kids and also some adults got sooo pissed they called security on us and they almost got us kicked out.

but the dude who was in charge of the christian group told em to chill, and that we were with them..

the security dudes face was priceless, i wish i could still remember the story about the guy in the pamphlet but it was pretty outrageous.

the kids were lining up to enter some biig presentation and they kept them waiting out there for a while so that we could rile em up.

we were telling them that this dude was the truth, and they kept questioning our beliefs and it was really interesting to see these young kids get so worked up.

when they finally opened the doors and paid us they told the kids that we were there to see how devoted they were or some other ish..

i dont really know since i bounced after i got my money to score some heroin to smoke.
All this talk about drinking... :rolleyes

Ive never been drunk...

have you ever tasted alcohol ?

Oh yea..a couple here and there but i ve never been...think im a light weight anyways :lol:
so, what's stopping you?

you want me to get drunk?

only if you're buying :D
lol, just want to know if it is a personal decision or if the opportunity never arose, ya know?

don't mind buying drinks

ehh i just never had a chance to i guess...but it does intrigue me how i would act.... :lol:
first time in ny for st pattys day.  don't get me wrong, i know its st pattys day and your gonna act a drunken fool but some of it was rediculous.  Seen an out of state cop who was slouched getting out of a cab, calling the driver a sand n_gger.  

msnbc showing repeats of "to catch a predator" got me in a good mood.  god, these are funny.

St. Patrick's Day in NYC is ridiculous at times :smh:

Next time please stop with that terrible edit job of a slur. In fact, you didn't even have to type it out :smh:
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i cant believe an Air Jordan Price Guide 2013 actually exists. :smh:

basketball cards had one, beanie babies had one, pokemon cards and pogs got one- only seems right now :smh:

Que? This cannot be life. Where can I find this? :nerd:

PM Ninjahood, you know he got one- probably in his room tallying up da collection to dignify his "porsche money"

Nevermind. I googled it. Sole Provider >>>>>>>>>>>> whatever this BS guide is.

Is that 100,000th reply that serious? Man :smh:
this is LOT, everything is serious 

Effin right. We are LOT, but I'm not worried about it. Just want us all to have a chill vibe 'round here.
This race to the 100,000th reply reminds me of the stupid plot that all sitcoms used to have with all the people touching a car and the last person standing with their hands on the car wins. Yea... this reminds me of that.
I hope the Meth hacks himself into 100k. Or locks the thread, makes his post, then unlocks it.
Id be cool with that

@ unsuited, yeah- i had a couple beanie babies..... made some money off them things too

yes, i was a lame 10 year old
collecting beanie babies was the goat (never got all of them)

i remember the controversy around the beanie baby that was supposed to rep. princess Diana 
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