the thread about nothing...

@andycrazn, that slave trade is something else huh? I wish other people would just understand exactly what went on. Maybe they'd fully understand.

yea man, he bought his freedom for 40 pounds. if i round it to ounces in gold since thats how they did it back then and convert it into dollars it would be 100 dollars US or close to 5oz
of gold. in todays time that would be close to 8000 bucks. not bad for a mans freedom. i want to know how much he was sold for to warrant the 40 pounds for freedom
slavery had no limits on race. even the north koreans do that to their own kind so imo, its a power trip thing first, cheap labor second.

they had a term for the chinese that were slaves. the chinese was basically tricked into going for the prospects of jobs. chinese people love to work and got trolled on. thats why theres chinese/_______ in the Caribbeans and south america. they trolled on us and we got em back by impregnating their women. :rofl:
All I've eaten today is apple sauce and had some water and a red bull

And I have to do abs tonight and yoga.

@andycrazn, that slave trade is something else huh? I wish other people would just understand exactly what went on. Maybe they'd fully understand.

yea man, he bought his freedom for 40 pounds. if i round it to ounces in gold since thats how they did it back then and convert it into dollars it would be 100 dollars US or close to 5oz
of gold. in todays time that would be close to 8000 bucks. not bad for a mans freedom. i want to know how much he was sold for to warrant the 40 pounds for freedom
slavery had no limits on race. even the north koreans do that to their own kind so imo, its a power trip thing first, cheap labor second.

they had a term for the chinese that were slaves. the chinese was basically tricked into going for the prospects of jobs. chinese people love to work and got trolled on. thats why theres chinese/_______ in the Caribbeans and south america. they trolled on us and we got em back by impregnating their women. :rofl:

If you can, I encourage you to read more about it in terms of American history. The slave trade and experience gets swept under the rug so often. The stuff you'd read will make you tear up.
I don't think that tan will hit 100k today. Does tan get that many posts in here a day???? About 200 posts a day??.?...

Cue mind=blown.gif
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Trial an error is all it is. I ignored that argument and many others like it. Hold your own standard about how if love exists. I realized it is important you free yourself from judgement on that, and you and the other person define it how y'all want to. Real love is constantly evolving and isn't static, even with the same person.
Glad to see I'm not the only one to think this and wasn't going crazy. Like I was saying, I did my part to keep things active and moving we are.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like

You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.
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Trial an error is all it is. I ignored that argument and many others like it. Hold your own standard about how if love exists. I realized it is important you free yourself from judgement on that, and you and the other person define it how y'all want to. Real love is constantly evolving and isn't static, even with the same person.
Glad to see I'm not the only one to think this and wasn't going crazy. Like I was saying, I did my part to keep things active and moving we are.

Nah, you good money. She just wasn't it is all. Sounds like she didn't know what she wanted or wasn't used to something good based on your response. One thing I learned also is, don't ever put love in a box. Meaning, don't look for just _____________ type of person. People who date a certain type will always have that problem because they are confining themselves to that.
one class left tomorrow and then spring break. Since everyone is going on all these spring break events I feel like I need to go out and do something but i dont have any money :smh:

All my homies are flying out to Miami for Ultra, I got invited but I still have finals early next week :smh:

I never gone to ultra but i would want to go just to experience it...maybe next year........................or the year after :lol:
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