the thread about nothing...

i know the answer to this questions it possible to wife a swamp donkey. I would like encouraging answers

The better question is, how do you feel about her. If you really like her, then all other opinions are irrelevant really. That label was given by others, who don't determine your happiness. If you're happy with said person, by all means go for it. Let's not overcomplicate life here. Good luck.

Quick story.
Im 25...i have a decent job...plans for my life.....going places
She is 25...never graduated college....has no constantly broke....

I really like hanging out with her...but the swamp is a dangerous place and i don't want to get dragged down if that makes sense. I obviously know what i need to do...which is not ride the donkey out of the swamp...maybe stop by the swamp infrequently to visit the donkey...but make sure i park my majestic unicorn some where out of sight before i get to the swamp.
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It was cool, met a lot of good people, learned more about myself. And I definitely enjoyed being in the Triangle, a lot of good times.
Word.  I'm thinking about transferring there next spring.

It'll be a good decision man, the negative reputation the school has had in the past is fading away. Aesthetically, the campus improved in the 4 years I was there and continues to. Renovated student gym, new caf, new dorm, etc.

What you plan on majoring in?
not sure why but it bothers me when i am a couple feet ahead of someone and i kindly wait to hold the door open for them just for that person to ignore me. Next time ill just let the door smack ya in the face or ill just stop being polite. This happens atleast a good 5x a day. When they dont say it i say outloud to make sure that person hears me " oh Your welcome" and they give me this dirty look
Don't do things expecting a reaction, do because you want to. Not for gratification.
Was gonna tell homeboy the same ****.  Pizzo all you gotta do is not hold it next time.  Saying that "oh your welcome" **** is more rude on your part than theirs fam.
Not when im over here seeing a girl struggling with her child in the stroller. So out of my curiosity and kindness i help and hold the door. Least they can do is say Thank You its not too hard man. I do understand what you are saying though. I say "oh Your welcome" so maybe something clicks in there head as to why i said it
It'll be a good decision man, the negative reputation the school has had in the past is fading away. Aesthetically, the campus improved in the 4 years I was there and continues to. Renovated student gym, new caf, new dorm, etc.

What you plan on majoring in?
Yeah, I was on campus a few weeks ago and I like the way it's set up.  

I'm thinking about majoring in nursing.

that? just keep pressing the minus sign till you reach the end.
Nah there's aa button that yo press to make fhe line happen. Its a box with a line in it, it's on the right side of the posting box toolbar

Swamp donkey? :lol: never heard that before
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i know the answer to this questions it possible to wife a swamp donkey. I would like encouraging answers

The better question is, how do you feel about her. If you really like her, then all other opinions are irrelevant really. That label was given by others, who don't determine your happiness. If you're happy with said person, by all means go for it. Let's not overcomplicate life here. Good luck.

Quick story.
Im 25...i have a decent job...plans for my life.....going places
She is 25...never graduated college....has no constantly broke....

I really like hanging out with her...but the swamp is a dangerous place and i don't want to get dragged down if that makes sense. I obviously know what i need to do...which is not ride the donkey out of the swamp...maybe stop by the swamp infrequently to visit the donkey...but make sure i park my majestic unicorn some where out of sight before i get to the swamp.

My man, you answered your own question. Now, does she have potential? Is she motivated on her own to go to school and have a career? If not, this is a no brainer my dude. Don't even go near the vacinity if the answer is no.
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whats the connection between testicles and stomachs? SRS. I got hit in my balls by mistake by my gf and i instantly had to ****, like bad n my stomach hurted somethin terrible. This happens everytime i get hit there.
whats the connection between testicles and stomachs? SRS. I got hit in my balls by mistake by my gf and i instantly had to ****, like bad n my stomach hurted somethin terrible. This happens everytime i get hit there.

Stomachs? We cows now bruh? They aren't directly connected. Don't confuse nerve sensations with body systems. FYI, the word is hurt, not hurted. It's not a word.
if you got trapped in a hostage situation at a school. And the hostage taker says he's going to kill a kid every hour until you dome him. would you do it?
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