the thread about nothing...

Finally finished this long *** essay I've been working on all day. That feeling after you finish a long paper :pimp:

Goodnight my NT brethren.

these kids are adorable 
 some of them just say the darnest things

"Do you know where Harlem is?"

"Is it some sort of prison?"

Legion of TAN I have a favor to ask you. I will be away for a few days and will only have access to NT through my phone. Everyone needs to BAN themselves from TAN until my return.

Thank you
finally getting a new id tomorrow after damn near a year of not having one. i'm sick of the same bars and clubs where i can only go where the bouncers and bartenders know me. plus it's a pain getting into shows.
DUI? Couldn't you just have gotten a state i.d. ? That is what my boy did when he got a DUI.
Took my first L of 2013

My apartment complex decided to change the parking rules and towed my car

Not a good way to start the morning
i know the answer to this questions it possible to wife a swamp donkey. I would like encouraging answers
6:01 am and i have not gotten any sleep...

im going to watch "the passion of the christ" hopefully the peaceful story can put my gentle soul to sleep.
Good Morning LOT'ers. I'm thinking we need a logo now :lol:. I see how some of y'all gonna play it at night with the gifs. I see I left at the right time last night :lol:. That "Are You Afraid of The Dark" gif was a nice touch, such memories.

Took my first L of 2013

My apartment complex decided to change the parking rules and towed my car

Not a good way to start the morning

Damn |I

i know the answer to this questions it possible to wife a swamp donkey. I would like encouraging answers

The better question is, how do you feel about her. If you really like her, then all other opinions are irrelevant really. That label was given by others, who don't determine your happiness. If you're happy with said person, by all means go for it. Let's not overcomplicate life here. Good luck.

Oh and Thadocta......

I got my eye on you papi
Sorry, couldn't resist :lol:
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