the thread about nothing...

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How do I remove bags under my ears, at this point I think it's impossible to get them out.
People mistake me for being Middle Eastern because of it (not related to that previous conversation about Indians or Middle Easterners)
You're so tired that you're getting ears and eyes mix up.
How do I remove bags under my ears, at this point I think it's impossible to get them out.
People mistake me for being Middle Eastern because of it (not related to that previous conversation about Indians or Middle Easterners)
You're so tired that you're getting ears and eyes mix up.

brooooo I'm losing it!

Just threw on Summer Wars and oh my gawd! :wow: :wow: :wow:

This looks amazing! :pimp: :smokin
great flick, i think murakami did the artwork..those characters are so neat looking.

More info on Modular Arithmetic. Used a form of this in upper-division engineering courses to decipher long strings of binary numbers along with a number and graph theory course I took junior year :smokin
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finally getting a new id tomorrow after damn near a year of not having one. i'm sick of the same bars and clubs where i can only go where the bouncers and bartenders know me. plus it's a pain getting into shows.
Finally finished this long *** essay I've been working on all day. That feeling after you finish a long paper :pimp:

Goodnight my NT brethren.
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