the thread about nothing...

Pizza Hut

thanks man.

looks gross 

and why aren't they speaking their home language?
me either, just to go to friedmens but then i hop right back on 94 and leave. not trying to kick it in that hell hole.
it's trash. nothing there. i just dropped by because i was passing the broadway exit and went for the hell of it. i remember i used to pick up HEAT there. daktaris, viotech trainers, og goldenrod dunks with the nylon tongue. they used to always have some random heat they'd just pull out of their basement. then sue became extra douchey with her son and selling jays early to wolves players. :smh:
Wow,I never knew about that.

they'll deny it until they die but it's true. i think nike actually pulled their jordan license for a while because of it. their son went to school with someone real high up with nike. thats how they were getting all the crazy player exclusives and stash forces and stuff like that for a while. basically they got found out by nike and nike wasn't having it. they are just grimey people.
I kinda want to join Scientology just to see what the hype is all about
Wow,I never knew about that.

they'll deny it until they die but it's true. i think nike actually pulled their jordan license for a while because of it. their son went to school with someone real high up with nike. thats how they were getting all the crazy player exclusives and stash forces and stuff like that for a while. basically they got found out by nike and nike wasn't having it. they are just grimey people.
Wow,I just stopped going there cuz they weren't receiving nice stuff anymore.
Bruhs I really need some ingrown hair products cause my neck looks crazy. I have clean and clear for exfoliating, with an exfoliating glove

but I need something specifically targeting ingrown hairs. like at Walgreens or something. any ideas?
This is something worth making a thread about
The cars... the smoke.... the pony tails... :wow:

This could quite possibly be the most amazingly elegant display of redneckery in history ! :lol: :smokin :smokin

...Threadworthy ? I feel like Ninjas gotta see this but I know it aint gonna happen in this thread :lol:
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