the thread about nothing...

is this inappropriate? I dont think it is, but I dont wanna get da banz

either way its hilarious
i posted one a while back and was pretty shook for a while..just waiting for that message from MEF..

it said you like dragons? because these nuts will be dragon across your face.

my girl told me she was trying to find some funny sloth memes but they all had to do with some sort of sexual act by force..
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Just got ripped off at the Mexican restaurant . $20 for a beer and a plate with 6 shrimp

bro are you in Pittsburgh? I just came from a Mexican restaurant that was on that same ********.

And some random dude left without paying his tab, so the server just walks up to me, the next random black dude and tells me that I need to pay it. Like wtf, I wasnt there with that *****

:rofl:. Now THAT'S some real racist **** right there :rofl:

Champion, happy b day pleiboi


There really was no intent. I really meant to say happy bday.

Wait....OH, now I see the connection. I forgot that story :smh: :lol:

for some of you guys who don't have a pizza loca where you live, you get this for $10 

my closest little caesars is ghetto as hell. it's right next to an alley that is known to have a lot of traffic, you could go in to get a hot and ready and witness three drug deals 

See, this man knows lol
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only fast food with bullet proof glass i've ever seen in my life is here in minneapolis. :lol: gotta love the north side.

Bang bang


And how in the hell was your heating bill almost 1k? That' craaaaaazy. You must have been real cold the last two months :lol:. That snow has been crazy.

yeah it was cold as hell in january. then it doesn't help my house is enormous and old as hell with probably the least efficient heaters and draftiest doors. next winter i'm not playing this crap. :lol: gonna winterize it or something with that plastic that seals the drafts.

now lets see how long it takes my bum *** roomate to pay me back. the others pay me quick but one dude still owes me 80 and now he's gonna owe me more. i'm just gonna throw his **** in the yard. if you don't wanna pay for your heat/electric then you can't use it fool.
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only fast food with bullet proof glass i've ever seen in my life is here in minneapolis. :lol: gotta love the north side.

Bang bang


And how in the hell was your heating bill almost 1k? That' craaaaaazy. You must have been real cold the last two months :lol:. That snow has been crazy.

yeah it was cold as hell in january. then it doesn't help my house is enormous and old as hell with probably the least efficient heaters and draftiest doors. next winter i'm not playing this crap. :lol: gonna winterize it or something with that plastic that seals the drafts.

now lets see how long it takes my bum *** roomate to pay me back. the others pay me quick but one dude still owes me 80 and now he's gonna owe me more. i'm just gonna throw his **** in the yard. if you don't wanna pay for your heat/electric then you can't use it fool.

we have a pretty big crib, and we put plastic over the windows, and insulated the roof of the garage, huge savings
do u have an attic? if so go to home depot and buy the highest rated insulation u can find for example there is r10 and an r30.
this will drastically change ur temps.

also check all the wearther stripping on ur doors .
Appreciate it Beh.
Yo solarius still on that? **** I even forgot about by now.

You cool person and I ain't got no beef with you matter a fact I thank you for risking your life to protect my freedom.
But just stop it dude its getting old. You wanna keep talking about it? Simple shoot me a pm. Stop following every post and at pick it trying to connect it to racism and me.
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Nah I don't have an attic. I think we need to cover the windows next year though because this is ridiculous.
I dont doubt MPLS has it's rough areas but wow

I've been to cities where their strips all have bulletproof glass.
bodegas, chicken spots, check cashing joints.
Well yeah that's a given. I cant think of a check cashing spot without it. But fast food? Only seen it once.
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