the thread about nothing...

I always sit by these benches in the basement of the class building. Today, someone left the door propped open to the women's restroom. Since I was sitting in the bench directly across, you could hear everything from inside the restroom - from the toilet paper being shuffled to the feces hitting the water.
One pretty girl walked in and I guess she had to go really bad. It was really loud.
007 I guess. Not sure what good that will do, especially if I'll be interviewing these people. I'm not trying to waste time on people who are not seriously looking for jobs and such. I don't like combining business and personal stuff.

I just had a "friend" get out of the Navy and I got him a position making $70,000.....this dude treated the position like a job at the mall and had no sense of professionalism (despite coming out of the Navy where he was managing programs).

1 strike and your out...Dude just got fired yesterday and I just saw him turning in his laptop and equipment today.

People are f****** stupid. This is why I don't feel sorry or pity for folks.


If someone ever hooked me up with a 70k job.. I'd be forber grateful..
And be the best employee ever
That'll be a wonderful look for the city and HBCUs. There are a ton of HBCU alums in Atlanta. Now I'm trying to see how I can be a part of this :nerd:
same here if u get any info let me know fam..i know this first year Morehouse (The House) will be the hosting school
Man... i know that feel- the money is nice- but some of the ones i've let go :smh:

yup, it'll all be worth it tho.

like i said a day or two ago....needed a G, now need $800 :nerd:
if i get enough by Friday, i'll hit yall with a bomb at the end of the month
I just popped way too many stimulants before class..... I'm basically in a cold sweat right now.... and my head feels like a rock.
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