the thread about nothing...

Everytime I see that pic,I just think of ice cream. shrugs
 Same. I love Strawberry. 
Anyone facing slow youtube speeds? I can dl at like 500 kb/s but I struggle streaming at 360p, even 240 sometimes on my wifi...

i'm having this same problem, and it was making me very mad last night. at first i thought it was the internet but i did a speed test and everything looked normal. i cannot live like that.
I'm willing to bet that is more than molly. More like an actual ecstasy or even acid trip.

actual ecstasy(mdma) is a molly. now a days, ecstacy is more watered down with other stuff :x
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So my friends and I were chopping it up last night; I was pretty faded, nothing special, when homie puts this video on. It's had me memorized since:

Thought NT would appreciate it.
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So my friends and I were chopping it up last night; I was pretty faded, nothing special, when homie puts this video on. It's had me memorized since:

Thought NT would appreciate it.

That's music bruh...

No music in here :frown:
Long story short, I met the girl on the right when I did my clinicals in SF, she then moved somewhere in the east coast for grad school. She wanted to catch up so I met with her and her friend in SF. Both was horny as hell, talking about smashing dudes at the bar and how they were on a dry spell. Towards the end of the night we were all pretty hammered and got too flirty, so I used the "I'm too drunk to go to my room" excuse and got my ticket to their room. Man, I'm so disappointed at myself for passing out. I just closed my eyes and next thing you know, the sun was out.
Long story short, I met the girl on the right when I did my clinicals in SF, she then moved somewhere in the east coast for grad school. She wanted to catch up so I met with her and her friend in SF. Both was horny as hell, talking about smashing dudes at the bar and how they were on a dry spell. Towards the end of the night we were all pretty hammered and got too flirty, so I used the "I'm too drunk to go to my room" excuse and got my ticket to their room. Man, I'm so disappointed at myself for passing out. I just closed my eyes and next thing you know, the sun was out.
woot a real story from nt , it wasnt a fat chick or it wasnt to good to be true , not to mention pics were provided before the tales!!!
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