the thread about nothing... have the second funniest username on NT........cant say it without smiling .......

first one is manametahrooone......depending on which troll face you attach it to......

peanut butter on most fruits........ is my best friend......screw diamonds lol
sliced strawberries on peanut butter and toast......
I recently discovered honey and peanut butter. **** is goood.
yup. just slap that on some whole wheat bread and you got a great snack after a workout
my family hit me with the stone face when i went grocery shopping last week........(health regimen)........talmbout 'dont force your cardboard food on us'
Landed a interview at Home depot and not sure how the interview process will go. Anybody ever work for them? If it matters this will be my first job.
Home from college for the long weekend. except its snowing and the brakes on my car are shot so i got no sort of transportation
no liquor/bud either .trying to get this girl to come through but she doesn't have a whip and i can't pick her up. looks like imma be at the crib bored as hell all night. Just takings L ontop of L. I'm literally getting cabin fever haven't even been home 24 hours. Can't wait to get my new car
Really? Doesn't seem that bad of a job.
that person obviously doesnt realize that a job is not a playground , a home depot cashier can not have it that bad . lol ask anyone with a real can move up in that company , dont listen to some idiot on nt that probably stays at mamas house .
That moment when you're eating a burrito and accidentally bite of a piece of tin foil.... and then you think to yourself "yolo" and proceed to eat that tin foil 
Is there a way to skip the ads on YouTube. Trying to watch multiple 10 min videos and seeing the same 5 sec commercial is overdoing it. :x:smh:
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