the thread about nothing...

Also eff the dude who made that thread about the extra reps from nowhere!! Meth corrected it and Im back down to 30.

I just saw a painful gif.I can't describe it becuz it isn't NT safe.

:lol: try and describe using analogies.

I just saw a painful gif.I can't describe it becuz it isn't NT safe.
its message safe though 

I just saw a painful gif.I can't describe it becuz it isn't NT safe.


ive grown use to seeing gifs of dead/dying people
It isn't violence related.Let just say it's "star" related.I mentioned her name a few time in the past.
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Anyone facing slow youtube speeds? I can dl at like 500 kb/s but I struggle streaming at 360p, even 240 sometimes on my wifi...
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I installed Ad no More on my firefox and I'm still seeing ads. What am I doing wrong
I installed Ad no More on my firefox and I'm still seeing ads. What am I doing wrong

dont you have a Mac?
Yup, and its old and bad
I installed Ad no More on my firefox and I'm still seeing ads. What am I doing wrong

google chrome+adblock=problem solved

yay,most of the emotions/smiley are working again.
I stopped using chrome months ago. I go back and forth between every few months for some reason, something always makes me jump ship. Looks like I'm going back to chrome
Need to vent and I consider you all family so hopefully you guys can help me out. Some of my oldest friends and I don't really kick it anymore. I reach out to them but they are either selfish or became scumbags. I still want to hang out but I don't get 100% back. In college I used to get a lot of girls and had a few girlfriends, but ever since I moved to NYC where I live by myself in a great bachelor pad I am not getting as many girls and have been on a cold steak (kiss girls but not ban). It's not like I don't try because I get dates and take them to nice places but it just never works out. I still have a few close friends but, the main people who hit me up are my older cousins and my sister and her bf there all either engaged or will be engaged. I have decent job that pays pretty well but it isn't a job where I can really make it a career and there is even talk about cutting out my division. I never told any of my friends this but after my dad passed away he left me and my sister a lot of money because him and my mom were divorced. I live a good lifestyle (I mentioned I live by myself in NYC but I think my friends are oblivious to the amount I inherited, cause I act stingy and sometimes cheap) but I still want to make something of myself and make my own money. Sometimes I feel like I just want to quit my job and relax because in my financial situation I can but, I know that this can't be the ending or solution. Just a little Saturday morning vent and really trying to find a good direction. I'm just tired of I guess chasing my old friends to chill and chasing girls. I want a girlfriend now because most of my boys have them and because the people I am closest with my sister and my cousins have significant others. When I come on NT I feel better though lol.

its cool bro, I'm going through something similar. When I moved back to Pittsburgh all of my friends are tied up with their girlfriends, and I'm kind of just left behind. And when I do try to make something happen, it seems like I'm the only one putting any effort in. I have no idea what the rest of your post is about because that is a pretty substantial wall of text. Keep your head up bro
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