the thread about nothing...

Most guys aren't ok with their girl having a guy best friend.

It has pretty much always been a "her or me" situation, whether in the beginning or stretched out for a while and then they let me know that they're not cool with me having a female best friend.
true, my ex had a guy friend she always chilled with but they only hung out when they went out as a group with other friends so that's maybe why i didn't see it as a big deal. but they went out alone one day and dude made a move on her but claimed to be drunk 
 so i think i may be watchful from now on.

all my bff's became my bff's from either us trying out that bf/gf thing but not working out but i did have sex them but one, she was a girl who we both had feelings for each other but the time wasn't right. so i think a girl might sense that 
If I am in a relationship I would definitely make her choose between me or guy friends........

Mainly because I know how I am and the thirst we all got 
I'm happy to be spending Valentine's day with my fellow NTers and TANers 
Did I mentioned rck is gonna have the most posts in here?Well he already surpass me,he now have the 3rd most posts
in here.
Did I mentioned rck is gonna have the most posts in here?Well he already surpass me,he now have the 3rd most posts

in here.
:D  is that good?
who knows..
I will take that as a no... 
coming from you, its not. Cuz you hate me.
I don't hate you. I never said I hated you.
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