the thread about nothing...

can anybody confirm that these guys are Kyrie Irving and JR Smith? saw them at the mall, but I'm not 100% sure.
i can confirm i am thadoctas alternate sn

and what the hell is a conosser?

aye anyone do the 'no phone' thing?

since I've lost my phone, I've just been doing the home phone thang :pimp:
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I've been thinking about cutting my house phone off for the longest i don't even use it.. only people that call is bill collectors 
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But you do have a phone... 

And unless money is the issue, I'd keep a house line. In case of emergency where you can't use your cell, that landline could be a big help.
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that moment when one of your ex's tells you she lost a skate hoody from the early 2000's/late 90's that you let her borrow...
But you do have a phone... 

And unless money is the issue, I'd keep a house line. In case of emergency where you can't use your cell, that landline could be a big help.

I was against it, then decided to get one. Just good to have around.
Airline worker: Here's your baggage ticket.
Me: Thank you
Airline worker: Have a great flight
Me: Thanks, you too.

walk away ..

Me: what did I just say ...?
Another time I was buying some Oreos.

worker: enjoy those!
me: thanks, you too.

....... w0t.
Did that before. :lol:
some good ones i get at work:

asian customer: nice mushroom!
me(thinks she is complimenting my man-parts): yeah thats whats up...
AC(points to my moustache):

asian customer: do you have any laser jackets?
me (thinks of laser inscribed technology, or jackets with lasers in the sleeves): no, we dont have any laser jackets
A.C.: no laser jackets?
me: no
A.C. ::tongue:oints to a leatherjacket
me: ahhhh laser jackets

dubai customer: do you have any slime jeans?
me (confused)
customer points to slim jeans

me: enjoy the jeans!
customer: too!

(we get a lot of tourists
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Pretty sure half the time I go to the movies I tell the ticket taker to enjoy the movie too
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