the thread about nothing...


I think I need to get my life together and take a break for awhile.
I rewatched tropic thunder about a month ago.

I was slightly mind blown because I found out that tom cruise is the .... your own face!!!! guy.
I don't know how people miss this kind of stuff. I always recognize cameos and that sort of thing. I guess I watch too many movies.

^ What Pabs said so many great movies are war/military movies

Top 10

Inglorious Basterds
Apocalypse Now 
The Deer Hunter
The Hurt Locker
Full Metal Jacket
Enemy At the Gates
Dead Presidents

Tropic Thunder gets honarble mention since it is a comedy
Was tropic thunder making fun of platoon?
It makes fun of just about every Vietnam movie but yeah Platoon is on of the main ones. When Tayback (Ben Stiller) falls to his knees while spreading his arms as he gets shot a bunch of times is a spoof of Platoon. That  was the movie poster for Platoon and the big "emotional" scene.

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Realtalk could we set up a charity boxing match?  I'm willing to raise money for some kids in Africa or send money for a school in Tibet.  I just wanna lay the hand of God on him.
The year that was
The year that never will be again
Gained some friends along the way
Had some loved ones stray
Made great strides towards the person I want to be
I've laughed and cried and sang and danced
And danced some more
And lived
Never have I felt more alive than this year
It was an awakening of sorts
I've left behind the cloak of shame and timidity
And put on the armor of confidence and self-esteem
Never did I think I would be this person, this man last year
Couldn't imagine that I would bloom so soon
And do the myriad of crazy things that I would do
I've conquered the highest of peaks
No time to look down now
2013 I'm aiming for the moon
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Nt brethren. Just got told by a woman I truly liked and was semi dating that she doesn't want a relationship anymore while she's in college with how many quality guys there are around. Hit me square in the manhood and need some advice for a pick-me-up right about now. Feels bad man.
Man I've never been so hype for a new year in my life...Lord willing I overachieve my goals and have no deaths in the fam this year.. I graduate this upcoming year in December so that means this is the year of putting on my bigboy pants because 2014= adulthood...I just want my elders to be there when I graduate..I owe it all to them
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