the thread about nothing...

green ollives are disgusting. got a frozen pizza and didn't realize they came on it. almost couldn't eat it.
hate when ur eating cereal and there is milk leftover........cinnamon toast crunch takes the least amount of milk...... (i did a study)
I was in complete couch potato mode this week. Was on vacation from work and pretty much snowed in due to the ice/snow storm here in Arkansas that left a ton of people without power. 8-4 tommorrow, thank god I am off New Year's day...but damn I don't want to go back to work
^ What Pabs said so many great movies are war/military movies

Top 10

Inglorious Basterds
Apocalypse Now 
The Deer Hunter
The Hurt Locker
Full Metal Jacket
Enemy At the Gates
Dead Presidents

Tropic Thunder gets honarble mention since it is a comedy

Was tropic thunder making fun of platoon?
I rewatched tropic thunder about a month ago.

I was slightly mind blown because I found out that tom cruise is the .... your own face!!!! guy.
How can some NTers be on here 24/7. I don't understand. Don't you have jobs or ever sleep? 
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