the thread about nothing...

I think the 20 was in reference to amount of money we should spend. Whoever said it was vague and never clarified what they meant.
i was the one that said 20 was the limit and then clarified that i meant the minimum amount spent on a gift...

i think its a great idea it weeds out the bums..PM the thread starter rayray3thousand.
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Young Grizzly in my little league basketball days yeah i'm bored.. anyways i'm the one with the hair helmet with a  curl hanging down second one on top on the left, and my cousin right next to me seems to be wearing the white,black & red aj 1's.. he just posted this on fb and that is the first thing i noticed was his shoes 
"dem break up before holiday *** ******
dem lyin, leasin benz's pretendin *** ******"
JK :lol:
But really did you get her a gift? If you did, did you still give it to her?

Yeah, thoughtfulness and gift giving is one of my talents....and no I did not proceed to give her the gifts still. The gifts for me were still wrapped under our Christmas tree. I moved out and the fact that I don't care is a testimony that I have been ready to move in a different direction.

Damn :lol:. Was that seperation strategically placed or did she really get on your last nerve?

There wasn't any Greg Popovich tactical means taken to reach this was a long time coming and I didn't want to share the misery/negativity over my long holiday break.

No time like the present!
how about a "Secret Holiday About Nothing" spectacular...
1 - 16 - 12 is officially the 'holiday about nothing' (yeah I just made that up)...
you send out a gift about nothing and will receive a gift about nothing, how much do you want to spend? who cares... my questionnare will be loaded with the most random and irrelevant information regarding your 'person about nothing'.
if you are in PM me with your email address... (deadline is new years at midnight)
if you deadbeat this, then expect this after every single one of your posts after 1 -16 - 12... and on top of that, the TAN fam will promise to never read, or quote any of your posts in here... you will be dead to us
heres the original post for those interested.
Young Grizzly in my little league basketball days yeah i'm bored.. anyways i'm the one with the hair helmet with a  curl hanging down second one on top on the left, and my cousin right next to me seems to be wearing the white,black & red aj 1's.. he just posted this on fb and that is the first thing i noticed was his shoes 
coach looks like an extra from a charles bronson movie...
Gonna hit AKA for that bento box...bust a couple clips at SS...then bday party at 530...found out that I received a better deal on my car...
So who the **** said they wanted to live somewhere there is snow? :lol:

This is what I woke up to :nerd:





^ I hope not :lol:

So guise, the special butter that i made on Christmas eve turned out nice. I whipped up some caramels and brownies - both turned out :smokin Loves me some edibles

Was it.....knuckle butter??
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damb that's a lot of snow we'll be getting hit soon enough too i'm really not looking forward to that day tho 
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I didn't poop at all on Christmas or yesterday. Just pooped for the first time in 2 days this morning :x
Couldn't smoke cigs christmas eve night, christmas day, or yesterday until about 5 pm because I spent the holiday with my gf's family and I'm pretty sure that's why.
I'm quitting on News Years and I hope that the transition isn't too weird for my bowels. This kinda scared me. I smoke 5-10 cigs a day btw.

I'd rather not poop at all at this point. Constipation is a symptomn of nicotine withdrawl, you'll be fine and your movements will be better than ever in a few weeks. Congrats to you for giving up smoking :pimp: . Drink plenty of liquids and add some more fiber to your diet and it will help.

RIP bro
j/k- hope you feel better. I had a scare with my younger dog on Christmas- my girl left a king size hershey bar- and that little guy decided to eat the whole damn thing, wrapper and all. Luckily hes big enough and healthy to handle that, cuz chocolate is terrible for dogs (can poison them). But hes been crappin black for a couple days :smh:

Don't worry man, your dog should be fine after awhile. Hershey's is :x. Milk chocolate or mixed chocolate or watered-down Hershey's won't kill your dog if he's big enough. It's that pure dark chocolate Ghirardelli that can kill.

You about to leave skid marks in the driver seat of the whip.
I have it timed, 1st it was 1.5, then 2.5, now at 4.5 so I have to schedule my life around that :smh:
how about a "Secret Holiday About Nothing" spectacular...

1 - 16 - 12 is officially the 'holiday about nothing' (yeah I just made that up)...

you send out a gift about nothing and will receive a gift about nothing, how much do you want to spend? who cares... my questionnare will be loaded with the most random and irrelevant information regarding your 'person about nothing'.

if you are in PM me with your email address... (deadline is new years at midnight)

if you deadbeat this, then expect this after every single one of your posts after 1 -16 - 12... and on top of that, the TAN fam will promise to never read, or quote any of your posts in here... you will be dead to us :nthat:


That re up.
More power to you, we aint got time to settle. Thats some inspirational c#i+ right there. Hows she taking it, blowing up your phone?

I don't wish her any ill will or anything of the such. I'm sure she will make someone happy and the whole nine....but that person is not me. I hope she is just accepting it and taking it in stride or she might think it is a temporary thing. I have no qualms or quarrels with that individual. We just have fundamental differences on important topics and I'm not in a rush to have a child/get married....she can find plenty of other folks ready to do that. He is not I.
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Damn Louis^ you found a better gif of that chick i see. Shes a cutie :evil:
:smokin :evil:
I know that she lives down here in FL. If I find out where, I'm gonna go over there, simp to the max and wife her on the spot. IDC IDC IDC

I've always wondered who's in your avy, she's :pimp:

I smoke 5-10 cigs a day btw.
:x :x :x :x :x

So who the **** said they wanted to live somewhere there is snow? :lol:

This is what I woke up to :nerd:





:x :x :x :x

living in south florida>>>>
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