the thread about nothing...


THIS MATTER came before the Court on December 21, 2012 upon Petitioner’s, ****** *********, Petition for Expungement of Records Pursuant to Section 19.2-392.2 of the Code of Virginia, as amended."

Got the final Expungement completed today and the Order signed by the CA and the Judge.

The Commonwealth Attorney prepared a lengthy stance on why I shouldn't be granted this Expungement. The Judge was ready to side with him until she heard me speak and break things down thoroughly and tactically. It felt good to deliver some solid arguments effectively without taking the things the CA stated personally. It felt good to provide truth and shed light on such erroneous matters. The Judge granted my Expungement after hearing my insight.

This man asked if I wrote the order myself before he signed it and was amazed at the document. He was looking hard errors or a reason not to sign and finally commended me for the way I spoke in Court.

Me 3.....Commonwealth of VA 0.

I could definitely see myself as a Defense Attorney down the line.

Good looks to NT for all the years of debating, bantering and formulating arguments with valid points and stances.

Ho ho ho.
Congrats my dude. 
She could get it..

180536 the mask..

(I hope yall can see this.)
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needa get into all those weird sci fi flicks to get a chance with the weird dressed up but hot girls posted above
I love SGs.

Had a period in my life where I was smashing nothing but scene chicks and overly tattooed jumpoffs because of my SG/GG addiction smh
You guys might have noticed .... NT has alot of creative members. We've seen how THISIS50 stole Powerballin VAMPIRE DIDDY CREATION :smh:
Its not the first time that **** happend to a NTer. Alot of memebers have adviced to protect our intellectual property on the interwebz with
a NT watermark. So let put the creative heads together and design a watermark for 2013. Best one will be the official NT 2013 watermark

We need a NT watermark

We need a NT watermark.

We really do.

I figured that would happen. That's what happens with memes though. If this was a ps I would've told you to tag it with NT so they know where it originated from.

At least you didn't make a thread with a story and then they jacked the whole thing like it was them. Not the first time this has happened to a NTer. They stay jacking are creative humor.

Protect your intellectual property on the World Wide Web my man. Everybody going to molest a concept or joke until there is nothing left.

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I love SGs.

Had a period in my life where I was smashing nothing but scene chicks and overly tattooed jumpoffs because of my SG/GG addiction smh

wat is SG?

Suicide Girls. GG is God's Girls.

I think my friend tried out for GG but settled on modeling and stripping :lol: she did something for Famous recently I think.

Go follow Nixie Felis on tumblr :nerd: she posts a lot of pics.
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oh alright man nice talking to you, ill see you later >D

sees you again. 2 mins later. >:

give me my space :smh:
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repost for the greatness of these cheeks (both ladies)- these 2 pics just get me going. Sorry for all the spoilers, just trying to keep it safe for work.



the things i would do :evil:

:x:x pass
Good Looks on the spoilers. Nothing worse than browsing during work at your normal speed and BOOM-string of yambs posted.
That feel when some guy in the mall you don't even know daps you up...
I hate this feel. You refer to him as "yo" the entire time cause you dont know his name.




-dude/my dude



-guy/my guy





-man/mane man



Keep these random dudes you meet at the mall guessing 
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