the thread about nothing...

So, I just got a package from FedEx and the FedEx guy was driving a Budget truck.
 They have trucks break down and they also need additional trucks since it is peak season.  The buy their routes and trucks since it is not union.  Some people are new hires and haven't bought their own trucks yet so for the time being they use budget trucks. I worked there a long long time ago and I know people who are drivers.
Holidays... People are shipping more packages than they have trucks so they have to rent them for the season.

 They have trucks break down and they also need additional trucks since it is peak season.  The buy their routes and trucks since it is not union.  Some people are new hires and haven't bought their own trucks yet so for the time being they use budget trucks. I worked there a long long time ago and I know people who are drivers.

Make sense.
YOOOOOO !!! >: >: >: >:

Who in the hell at windows decided the backspace button should also function as a "go back" button !?!?!?

Has anyone else tried to go bare? More or less practice ascetisism.

I look around myself and its a damn shame how much time and energy I've devoted to materialism. This isn't me and it just doesn't feel right anymore. It's hard to step away from those materialistic instincts when the very message board I am posting from now was named after the one of the leading company in the world, whose profits depend on the very consumerism and materialism I want to break free from.

Not trying to be a recluse or a hippie, just want to refocus my efforts and energies in other areas of my life that are far more fulfilling and will lead to a more healthy future on the whole. Anyone ever thought about this or try to put this into practice?

All the time. Just sell off my stuff and go on a journey like Caine in Kung Fu.

Is this a continuous journey or are you prone to falling along the way, having to start all over again?

I ask this because our identity and the self-actualization of our purpose in life is largely driven - in whole or in part - by this wanton need to get money; moreso than the amount needed to have a healthy sustainable life. It's almost like our particular path in life is predicated by how high of an esteem we hold the almighty dollar. It could even be postulated that the management of this money is an even greater indicator of how fulfilling and healthy one's life can turn out to be, notwithstanding those instances and occurrences over which we have no control. And the initial impetus to get money very well may not be what drives life today for that particular person. It's acquisition then becomes second to maintaining it, which then flips the entire reasoning behind acquiring said currency.

It's all speculation now since I haven't yet attempted to sojourn through a life perceived not by the outlook others will have of me, but moreso the outlook I want my life to have, isolating the forces society has on all of us as a whole. Of course, we don't live in a vacuum and we are acted on by a multitude of nuclei thoughout the course of a day, let alone life.
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YOOOOOO !!! >: >: >: >:

Who in the hell at windows decided the backspace button should also function as a "go back" button !?!?!?


what were you doing?

Typed out a long response about waiting hours for a docs appointment...

Dont feel like re-typing the whole thing again but heres the


- I give a friend a ride to her docs appt.

- After waiting for about 35-40 min, she decided she needs a snack :smh:

- She leaves the waiting room to go find a snack machine... and as soon as she leaves the receptionist calls her name.

- I try to say she just ran out... Receptionist totally ignores me and calls up the next patient

- 5 min later my friend gets back with her snack... and we have to wait ANOTHER 40 min >:

Lol to make it worse... while Im waiting I decide to burn some time and go outside to smoke a cigarette.... Im puffing away.... enjoying my smoke... but then I notice some old people looking at me hella funny. I dont know what their problem is so I ignore them and keep puffin..... I finish my cigarette and I go to put it out in the ashtray..... I realize there is no ashtray and Ive been smoking directly in front of a huge NO smoking sign. I should have known better... I mean its a freaking hospital right ? ... oh well it was still a good smoke :smokin :lol:
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deleted all the kate upton gifs & pics i had on my laptop

that pic man
i was pissed that they didn't run a new episode of new girl last night..

now i find out that there won't be a new episode of modern family either.

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