the thread about nothing...

When you delete a message from your NT inbox and it's sent to the trash folder can I delete from their to, it won't let me do it when i try. Trying to delete all messages have to may but they all get stuck in the damn trash folder

Trinidad James is in this? I knew this guy was a fake a true hypebeast 5:14
I miss natural selection.

What ever happened to when you get into an argument or something just throwing hands. You don't want to get picked on? Hit the gym, diet eat right learn how to fight. So next time you can win.

Now a days with all the gun violence and some one just got stabbed 9 times at a bar by my house, its like not even fair. Just catch a beat down, its not that bad really. And tell your friends to stay out of it. If a grown man has an issue with me and it boils down to violence (which it never should anyway) then handle it like a man. One on one, hand to hand combat.
in washington i think you can have mutual combat..not sure what other states allow this and im not sure if a law enforcement official has to be there.

basically both parties agree to fight it out,

mutual combat law is :smokin

I agree with Jking0821.

But why is the other dude saying it was a cheap shot? He just knew what he was doing with these kicks and that punch :nerd:
I miss natural selection.

What ever happened to when you get into an argument or something just throwing hands. You don't want to get picked on? Hit the gym, diet eat right learn how to fight. So next time you can win.

Now a days with all the gun violence and some one just got stabbed 9 times at a bar by my house, its like not even fair. Just catch a beat down, its not that bad really. And tell your friends to stay out of it. If a grown man has an issue with me and it boils down to violence (which it never should anyway) then handle it like a man. One on one, hand to hand combat.
in washington i think you can have mutual combat..not sure what other states allow this and im not sure if a law enforcement official has to be there.

basically both parties agree to fight it out,

:lol: dude got dropped and you know he was hurting from those kicks

Decent footwork. If people know you can fight they wont hesitate to pull a knife or gun.
I was parked at my girls apartments on Sunday, and woke up to a message about "dont park in 2 spaces, parking is bad enough here and it makes you look like a jack@$z- next time you will come out to 4 flat tires" (yet im the jack@Z$?). In the first place, i wasnt even close to the line- i was in the last spot next to the grass, beside MY girls car. Was so condused and angry- i stood out there and screamed "who the eff wrote this BS" a few times >: at least leave a number or something to squash the situation- had to have been some dumb, drunk , female :smh: i feel helpless
do it again but lurk from the window
this lady used to walk her dog in the morning and her dog used to always poop in front of our house. i ended up coming home at 4-5am that saturday morning and stayed up until 6-7 when i saw her walk by with her pet. ran out with the quickness and told her to pick her ish up. i was heated :lol:
Waiting for UPS :smh:

This is the absolute worse. They always come when that one moment when you stop listening out for them and there is a notice on the door :smh: Thank God for an enclosed porch where they usually just leave our stuff unless signature is required. In that case I have to sent to my job.
Has anyone else tried to go bare? More or less practice ascetisism.

I look around myself and its a damn shame how much time and energy I've devoted to materialism. This isn't me and it just doesn't feel right anymore. It's hard to step away from those materialistic instincts when the very message board I am posting from now was named after the one of the leading company in the world, whose profits depend on the very consumerism and materialism I want to break free from.

Not trying to be a recluse or a hippie, just want to refocus my efforts and energies in other areas of my life that are far more fulfilling and will lead to a more healthy future on the whole. Anyone ever thought about this or try to put this into practice?
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I never realized how deep this Eastbay sponsorship goes. There are Eastbay reps that post on NT.

How do you get that job?!?
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