the thread about nothing...

I hate waiting for shoes to show up in the mail. I can't take a dump, wash clothes, walk the dog, just in case the mailman shows up and I miss out.
I seriously hate waiting. I applied for a job at this gourmet supermarket in the beach about 3 weeks ago. Got called in for an interview on Friday, nailed it. Went in Saturday so they could show me around the deli, which is the section I will be working in. Manager told me I would get a call about my schedule no later than Sunday. It's Wednesday and I still haven't gotten a call :stoneface:
Yeah, really. I don't trust my neighbors so I make sure to be home on days when I expect packages that are worth anything

Please link me to original video
Seen this guy at the gym that I haven't seen in a while. It was just a quick what's up. I check my phone later that night and he liked a pic of my Galaxy rookies on IG. Pretty weird right? lol
Seen this guy at the gym that I haven't seen in a while. It was just a quick what's up. I check my phone later that night and he liked a pic of my Galaxy rookies on IG. Pretty weird right? lol

You got a man stalker bro, a malker :\ RIP

Has anyone else tried to go bare? More or less practice ascetisism.

I look around myself and its a damn shame how much time and energy I've devoted to materialism. This isn't me and it just doesn't feel right anymore. It's hard to step away from those materialistic instincts when the very message board I am posting from now was named after the one of the leading company in the world, whose profits depend on the very consumerism and materialism I want to break free from.

Not trying to be a recluse or a hippie, just want to refocus my efforts and energies in other areas of my life that are far more fulfilling and will lead to a more healthy future on the whole. Anyone ever thought about this or try to put this into practice?

All the time. Just sell off my stuff and go on a journey like Caine in Kung Fu.
I am not going to the bar this weekend. I am not going to go to social gatherings this weekend. I am not going to get belligerent  this weekend. I am not going to things that I will regret the next day.
i'll peep the anime stuff later, really wasnt trying to talk down on it, i just always thought .... well..... it wasnt for me, but you never know. Dont know much about it
Check out at least one of vids that I posted asap for a glimpse what some anime is.

Anime has a genre for almost everyone.
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