the thread about nothing...

it's a shame that street art/graffiti is referred to as vandalism and not considered an art form:smh:

They should build a city solely for graffiti art.

Has anyone else tried to go bare? More or less practice ascetisism.

I look around myself and its a damn shame how much time and energy I've devoted to materialism. This isn't me and it just doesn't feel right anymore. It's hard to step away from those materialistic instincts when the very message board I am posting from now was named after the one of the leading company in the world, whose profits depend on the very consumerism and materialism I want to break free from.

Not trying to be a recluse or a hippie, just want to refocus my efforts and energies in other areas of my life that are far more fulfilling and will lead to a more healthy future on the whole. Anyone ever thought about this or try to put this into practice?

All the time. Just sell off my stuff and go on a journey like Caine in Kung Fu.

Is this a continuous journey or are you prone to falling along the way, having to start all over again?

I ask this because our identity and the self-actualization of our purpose in life is largely driven - in whole or in part - by this wanton need to get money; moreso than the amount needed to have a healthy sustainable life. It's almost like our particular path in life is predicated by how high of an esteem we hold the almighty dollar. It could even be postulated that the management of this money is an even greater indicator of how fulfilling and healthy one's life can turn out to be, notwithstanding those instances and occurrences over which we have no control. And the initial impetus to get money very well may not be what drives life today for that particular person. It's acquisition then becomes second to maintaining it, which then flips the entire reasoning behind acquiring said currency.

It's all speculation now since I haven't yet attempted to sojourn through a life perceived not by the outlook others will have of me, but moreso the outlook I want my life to have, isolating the forces society has on all of us as a whole. Of course, we don't live in a vacuum and we are acted on by a multitude of nuclei thoughout the course of a day, let alone life.

The journey I was speaking of was more literal. Wandering the world, living off of my own of the rat race and the superficial expectations that come with it. More of a passing thought.

It's all about your state of mind. If the life you're leading right now isn't making you happy, change it. This doesn't mean you have to sell off all of your possessions or go bare, but find something that fulfills you. Once you're content with yourself and your place in the world, an abundance or lack of money/things will be of no consequence to you.

I got some artwork.. anybody like it?
It used to be that way but not so much anymore
That there looks like a licensed work of art. There are lots of store and property owners that appreciate good graff and hire artists to do large murals like the one pictured.
Some citys also have designated graff spots where artists can go to play around.
Its only the gang related scribbles that most people really have a problem with.
agree on that chicken scratch kids are writing these days, where i live pieces are left alone, there'll be writing/tags next to bombs and characters and if the writing is whack then they get buffed out and leave the appealing stuff up
 of course its only in ditches or alleys where its not visible to the public i guess you could say, plus too many lames trying to act dumb when you tell them you do it for the art and they start hating
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Has anyone else tried to go bare? More or less practice ascetisism.

I look around myself and its a damn shame how much time and energy I've devoted to materialism. This isn't me and it just doesn't feel right anymore. It's hard to step away from those materialistic instincts when the very message board I am posting from now was named after the one of the leading company in the world, whose profits depend on the very consumerism and materialism I want to break free from.

Not trying to be a recluse or a hippie, just want to refocus my efforts and energies in other areas of my life that are far more fulfilling and will lead to a more healthy future on the whole. Anyone ever thought about this or try to put this into practice?

All the time. Just sell off my stuff and go on a journey like Caine in Kung Fu.

Is this a continuous journey or are you prone to falling along the way, having to start all over again?

I ask this because our identity and the self-actualization of our purpose in life is largely driven - in whole or in part - by this wanton need to get money; moreso than the amount needed to have a healthy sustainable life. It's almost like our particular path in life is predicated by how high of an esteem we hold the almighty dollar. It could even be postulated that the management of this money is an even greater indicator of how fulfilling and healthy one's life can turn out to be, notwithstanding those instances and occurrences over which we have no control. And the initial impetus to get money very well may not be what drives life today for that particular person. It's acquisition then becomes second to maintaining it, which then flips the entire reasoning behind acquiring said currency.

It's all speculation now since I haven't yet attempted to sojourn through a life perceived not by the outlook others will have of me, but moreso the outlook I want my life to have, isolating the forces society has on all of us as a whole. Of course, we don't live in a vacuum and we are acted on by a multitude of nuclei thoughout the course of a day, let alone life.

The journey I was speaking of was more literal. Wandering the world, living off of my own of the rat race and the superficial expectations that come with it. More of a passing thought.

It's all about your state of mind. If the life you're leading right now isn't making you happy, change it. This doesn't mean you have to sell off all of your possessions or go bare, but find something that fulfills you. Once you're content with yourself and your place in the world, an abundance or lack of money/things will be of no consequence to you.

Most definitely. Deprivation just seems to be the way to go at least at the onset. It's difficult if not impossible to change something when the very stimulus maintaining a certain behavior is not removed. Once the desired behaviors have been extinguished, then the introduction of the previous reinforcing stimulus can gradually be re-introduced.

I'm very intrigued in trying this out, but don't want to do anything cold-turkey. Just as it wouldn't be beneficial to flood oneself in a previous environment that elicited an undesired behavior, neither would it be advantageous to completely remove oneself from that environment, but instead remove the components of said environment in gradually succession until the desired behavior(s) are achieved.

Your input is much appreciated, btw.
Shooting threats at my school for friday and my school is doing absolutely nothing about it except for putting a cop at the main entrance :smh:
It used to be that way but not so much anymore

That there looks like a licensed work of art. There are lots of store and property owners that appreciate good graff and hire artists to do large murals like the one pictured.

Some citys also have designated graff spots where artists can go to play around.

Its only the gang related scribbles that most people really have a problem with.
agree on that chicken scratch kids are writing these days, where i live pieces are left alone, there'll be writing/tags next to bombs and characters and if the writing is whack then they get buffed out and leave the appealing stuff up:lol:  of course its only in ditches or alleys where its not visible to the public i guess you could say, plus too many lames trying to act dumb when you tell them you do it for the art and they start hating:smh:

every1 does it for different reasons tho. some for the love of art, some for the love of getting up, some just for the rush of going bombing. cant hate the "chicken scratch" cuz every dope artist you see throwing up beautiful pieces started off scribbling, and thats what most people will never understand. salute
:smokin feels good to have to pay $2.50 to get on a bus or train :pimp:
makes me feel like a boss.
like I'm Donald Trump son or something.
$30 for a 7 day card you say?
that's chump change b, lemme go get daddy's wallet.
Bo$$ :pimp:
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every1 does it for different reasons tho. some for the love of art, some for the love of getting up, some just for the rush of going bombing. cant hate the "chicken scratch" cuz every dope artist you see throwing up beautiful pieces started off scribbling, and thats what most people will never understand. salute
yea yea i agree i'm not hating on those just starting out, i'm just generalizing and talking about stuff i see where i live. seems like the same people don't get better, you have to practice somehow but it seems like the ones hating on people with style are the ones who don't write as well. i had friends who wrote in regular writing just to get their name up and had friends that had a ton of handwriting styles that did it for the purpose of art, some of the writing was crazy and wasn't legible, it wasn't messy, it was just insane on how creatively nice the writing was, i had friends who bombed in simple bubble, block lettering and had other friends who had some crazy tribal, 3D, characters and all that. it's all good though as long as the love for the art is there and no hating, art isn't suppose to be perfect everyone has their style
never really thought about the dangers of attending school that day...cuz finals are over with for me....

but i wonder if malls will be 'attacked'.......its where i work
every1 does it for different reasons tho. some for the love of art, some for the love of getting up, some just for the rush of going bombing. cant hate the "chicken scratch" cuz every dope artist you see throwing up beautiful pieces started off scribbling, and thats what most people will never understand. salute
yea yea i agree i'm not hating on those just starting out, i'm just generalizing and talking about stuff i see where i live. seems like the same people don't get better, you have to practice somehow but it seems like the ones hating on people with style are the ones who don't write as well. i had friends who wrote in regular writing just to get their name up and had friends that had a ton of handwriting styles that did it for the purpose of art, some of the writing was crazy and wasn't legible, it wasn't messy, it was just insane on how creatively nice the writing was, i had friends who bombed in simple bubble, block lettering and had other friends who had some crazy tribal, 3D, characters and all that. it's all good though as long as the love for the art is there and no hating, art isn't suppose to be perfect everyone has their style

like i said, salute
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i just heard of a school by me getting threats of a drive by.. who calls to say they gonna do a drive by? doesnt make sense. probably the school board or government, trying to show kids and parents they have things under control
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