the thread about nothing...

The defense did a good enough job at poking enough holes in the case to where there was enough doubt that you couldn't vote guilty on the case presented. Lots of technicalities and wiggle room on how you interpret things and the defense did a better job at poking holes and making you say ok well maybe. There were things that were easily verifiable that the police and or prosecution failed to even attempt to answer from the simplest things like even calling his job to verify he was working. Police work 101.

While i and a most others felt he was guilty they just couldn't PROVE it. I cant send a man to jail because of how i feel.

The feedback from the post case questions they do with the jury the prosecutors told us basically they were limited in time and resources to do their jobs correctly 🙄

ouch thanks for the detail. never actually made it to the jury box myself always curious how it goes.
First time going through new upgraded airport scanners - don’t have to take anything out of your bag and no liquid limits. Just sailed through security which is nice. The line barely slowed down and all I had to do was put my phone and wallet in the tray with my bag and put it all through the scanner.

I’m looking forward to when those are everywhere - they have a deadline of next summer for the rest of the airports here to be the same.
What airport was this?
exactly. I'm curious since I'm annoyed on how they are so strict with regards to drinking water. been traveling a lot and I always hated whenever I have to unpack everything every single time.
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