the thread about nothing...

Canadian wildfires smoke making their way into NYC. Yesterday va today's view

Pretty much. The worse it got before this was like 3 years ago from the smoke from California wildfires making it's way to the East coast. But that was mainly a hint of yellowing skies & mostly just the smell of burnt wood. This has steadily been getting darker since the morning & it smells like I'm sitting right next to a fire pit. I can just imagine how bad it is in Ontario, Canada where it all started. Hope everyone is ok up there.
Dont lie to that man, gowing up in Bakersfield they would cancel school some days because of the air quality 🤣. That cali smog is indeed a real thing
I’m in SoCal so I can only speak on my area, lol. I thought Bakersfield was supposed to be pretty clean for the most part (air wise)
I was exaggerating a bit, originally. Cali definitely has bad smog tho, and aint nothing nice about Bakersfield especially the air🤣. I live in Colorado now, everytime i go back I think im dying 🤣. My grandpa and uncle both have Valley Fever from working outside in Kern County.
If this is what the West Coast is accustomed to, then fruck that. This is the worst air quality I’ve ever seen or felt in NYC. Bright orange, burning sensation in ya throat. Disgusting.
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