the thread about nothing...

You're young, too many fish in the sea to be doing something that drastic to just be with her.
There's married couples who don't even share the same religious beliefs, that should tell you something.
yea i understand, she, i guess made the decision a long time ago to marry someone sharing the same beliefs. thank you 
hell nah..

especially not for that backward *** religion.
 that's not the first time i hear that, that religion is not my cup of tea to be honest, thank you
This reminds me of a coworker of mine, who absolutely lost his mind for another coworker. But the catch was she is a Mormon. And wouldn't do nothing unless they got married. Fast forward about a year and they were getting married. And then my dude stood her up and pretty much went MIA for about 2 weeks.

Moral of the story, if you really have feelings or whatever for this bird then do your best to make it happen. Otherwise get the hell out
yea i'm trying to have her make some sacrifices to suit me since i'm making some sacrifices to suit her but she doesn't seem to see things my way, thank you
This should be a thread papi
hahaha i thought so too but eh, it's all good
take that step seriously and don't compromise just to satisfy her...5 years down the line it won't be working. Because she's obviously going to require that you marry her. So you'll be married at 22, practicing a religion because of a girl???

So if you love her you'll let her do her, and if you want to do what she'll have to be commited to it or else that relationship won't last, and you'll be looking back thinking to yourself that you just wasted some good years.
yea man i agree, sometimes i think i have my head up my *** and i'm trying more to please her than me think about what will make me happy, thank you
No don't do it my coworker did this got married had kids and divorced in 6 years.

P.S. say goodbye to x-mas and birthday's
 yea i've told her i need my time with my family, i got a bunch of nephews and nieces and birthdays, thanksgiving and christmas is my family time, but like i said, she doesn't seem to understand, thank you

also me and this girl were together for a year, she didn't care that i wasn't religious but the thing also is that she is babied by her parents, she didn't start pushing religion on me til her mom started putting all this negative stuff in her head about how terrible i will turn out if i don't become religious.
Below the Heavens is a classic album. What happened to Blu?:smh:

He dropped Give Me My Flowers While I Smell Them a couple months back. All production by Exile, originally recorded in 2009.

TAN fam, a brother is feeling conflicted right now. **** is getting real financially for me and I'm thinking bout heading back to Enterprise, where I worked part time last year and enjoyed it. All I did was clean the cars and drive em around, got 50% discounts on rentals, and it was a welcome break from the grind of school and my other obligations. I promised myself I wouldn't go back and be a management trainee once I graduated, but, the job search has gone dry since I graduated in May and got me contemplating going back. :smh::smh:

The glassdoor reviews and sites like it are terrible. :lol:

Might have to sleep on this.
He dropped Give Me My Flowers While I Smell Them a couple months back. All production by Exile, originally recorded in 2009.
TAN fam, a brother is feeling conflicted right now. **** is getting real financially for me and I'm thinking bout heading back to Enterprise, where I worked part time last year and enjoyed it. All I did was clean the cars and drive em around, got 50% discounts on rentals, and it was a welcome break from the grind of school and my other obligations. I promised myself I wouldn't go back and be a management trainee once I graduated, but, the job search has gone dry since I graduated in May and got me contemplating going back. :smh::smh:
The glassdoor reviews and sites like it are terrible. :lol:
Might have to sleep on this.

so wait, your done with school, cant find work and wanna go back to your old spot for a management position ?
my ex sent me a message on facebook last night after 7 months, she pretty much hinted she still wants a relationship but the catch STILL IS i must be a jehova's witness to be with her. would any of you guys commit to a religion to be with a girl who makes you happy and know you'll be happy in the long run and could possibly be together forever? i'm 22 years old and this is the first girl i could honestly say i love, or should i just move on and wait to find a girl who wants me for me?

lol this sounds like me a few pages back
so wait, your done with school, cant find work and wanna go back to your old spot for a management position ?

Yeah I'm done, my old location was in NC, but I'm in Atlanta not. It's not a management position, it's a management trainee

Peep the reviews: :rofl:

My plan is to keep the job until I get something in my field (PR/Communications). It's funny though because even when I was working as a service agent, most of the MT's were in the same position, like yeah "I did it because plan A didn't work out" and that's why you see the enterprise commercial saying they hire the most college grads, because everybody looks at it as a backup plan. Everybody at the branch I worked at was cool though, I'm just apprehensive based on the reviews and my stubbornness

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im craving the mean burger & waffle fries right now. yelp app aint even helping out like that right now (aside from everything being closed) :smh: i wont stop searching...SOMEBODY DROP SOME INFO :nerd:
so wait, your done with school, cant find work and wanna go back to your old spot for a management position ?

Yeah I'm done, my old location was in NC, but I'm in Atlanta not. It's not a management position, it's a management trainee

Peep the reviews: :rofl:

My plan is to keep the job until I get something in my field (PR/Communications). It's funny though because even when I was working as a service agent, most of the MT's were in the same position, like yeah "I did it because plan A didn't work out" and that's why you see the enterprise commercial saying they hire the most college grads, because everybody looks at it as a backup plan. Everybody at the branch I worked at was cool though, I'm just apprehensive based on the reviews and my stubbornness


Money in your pocket >

Take that job but don't get complacent, you can only allow yourself to settle.
can superman drink as much water as possible?

i was thinking what if he decided to drink all the water in the ocean would he explode.. if he forced himself to drink it
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