the thread about nothing...

network. finish school. develop relationships with your professors ( i think i remember you posting something about school) i didn't network while in school and i'm paying for that as we speak. im only 26 so i still have time to make some moves.......good luck

and stay focused on beating the odds

Thanks man. Definitely trying to do just that :pimp:

i got a raging hard on 5 minutes before my midyear review in june with my supervisor. had to tuck it into my waistband. 

It be like that sometimes...
Jumpmankb: Vacation was great, a couple days of suspect weather but I enjoyed all of it. Worst part as always is coming back. I saw the house we rented sold for 245K last year. An ocean front beach house for 245K is awesome, will mos def look into purchasing one.

Buying a beach house > Buying Elite socks or overpriced sneakers. IMO of course.

Nothing wrong with liking expensive things, just find a way to get it for cheap.....

Coming back is def always the hardest part.

Man... I remember coming back to Syracuse from my 2 week vacation to Hong Kong this past December and it was devastating...mainly because I went there to be with my gf I met while studying abroad the previous fall. Seriously plan to marry this girl someday if we can ever be on the same continent :frown: You know you really love someone when you keep a long distance relationship going for a year and when you see them again, you both have changed, but the way you interract with them hasn't. Spent 2 straight weeks with this girl and we only got in one big fight and it was over being too hungry and being indecisive about picking a restaurant :smh: I remember telling her I wasn't gonna put up with this fight, I'm going to bed, and that she could leave the hotel and go home because she actually lives in HK. We were both screaming at eachother right before this. She folded all her clothes and packed them in her bag for like 30 min, but then got back into bed without saying anything and apologized to me in the morning, said she really thought about it but would never leave :wow: That was like the 3rd night, we then had her birthday (Dec 29th), new years, and then like a week and a half of just straight chillin in HK. Going out to eat lunch and dinner everyday, amusement parks, shopping, just gettin drinks on a nice afternoon. I spent $1,700 on hotel for 2 weeks, $500 for round-trip first class flight (friend was Delta employee :pimp:), then another $2,000 on meals etc. and my girl cashed in $50,000HK in casino chips in Macau, which is around $6,500 US, on new years eve and wouldn't let me pay for a single thing after that. Shorty paid for all my meals, even would surprise me with clothes from shops I went into but was like, "nah, too expensive." And she's a straight dime. Damn I just went on a rant but that's what happens when I think about this girl. I'm hopelessy in love y'all :lol:

She's coming here this January for 3 weeks though, we're gonna have a nice winter vacation together and I CAN NOT WAIT :tongue:

sounds good....hope that same continent thing works out for you one day soon. My girl did an internship with EPA last summer in Athens, I was a bit lost without her for a while. When I went there for a couple weeks in the middle of july i slick didn't wanna leave and she didn't want me to go. She ended it a bit early so she could come home since she had already earned credit for it.

we got married 3 weeks ago
From "the thread about nothing" to "something about Pinky" to "granny yambs".

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Anybody ever get at a chick while she's with her parents or with her kid? Still mad at myself for not bagging this chick in the store yesterday because she
was with her Mom, shorty gave me the stare a few times and smile. She was sexy as hell & thick too but I didn't want to be disrespectful :smh:
Anybody ever get at a chick while she's with her parents or with her kid? Still mad at myself for not bagging this chick in the store yesterday because she
was with her Mom, shorty gave me the stare a few times and smile. She was sexy as hell & thick too but I didn't want to be disrespectful
Man I hate myself after this happens cause 110 % of the time, I Don't get at her... 
Anybody ever get at a chick while she's with her parents or with her kid? Still mad at myself for not bagging this chick in the store yesterday because she
was with her Mom, shorty gave me the stare a few times and smile. She was sexy as hell & thick too but I didn't want to be disrespectful :smh:

I've had Moms approach me trying to put me on to their daughters. If that isn't a green light I don't know what is. That is baically an invitation to come over to said person's house, smash, stay the night and get a hot breakfast in the morning on the way out.
Anybody ever get at a chick while she's with her parents or with her kid? Still mad at myself for not bagging this chick in the store yesterday because she
was with her Mom, shorty gave me the stare a few times and smile. She was sexy as hell & thick too but I didn't want to be disrespectful
I had a situation like this before too. I was in rack room shoes & there was this bad light skin chick. Shorty gave me the look but I didn't want to come off as disrespectful in front of her mom. Needless to say, I regret not approaching her
Anybody ever get at a chick while she's with her parents or with her kid? Still mad at myself for not bagging this chick in the store yesterday because she

was with her Mom, shorty gave me the stare a few times and smile. She was sexy as hell

I had a situation like this before too. I was in rack room shoes & there was this bad light skin chick. Shorty gave me the look but I didn't want to come off as disrespectful in front of her mom. Needless to say, I regret not approaching her |I

ima add this to my bucket list. i think you gotta approach the mom first, sarcastic flirt a little bit and she'll put you on. will try

Anybody ever get at a chick while she's with her parents or with her kid? Still mad at myself for not bagging this chick in the store yesterday because she
was with her Mom, shorty gave me the stare a few times and smile. She was sexy as hell & thick too but I didn't want to be disrespectful :smh:

I've had Moms approach me trying to put me on to their daughters. If that isn't a green light I don't know what is. That is baically an invitation to come over to said person's house, smash, stay the night and get a hot breakfast in the morning on the way out.

once had a lady set me up with her niece. was :pimp: digging in them guts while her auntie fixed dinner
I've had a girl lose her mom at the store 'cause she knew that was the reason I didn't come over.
I've had a girl lose her mom at the store 'cause she knew that was the reason I didn't come over.

I think shorty was trying to do that too. Should have gave her a head nod to signal her over. Didn't help that I was with my homegirl and we were in a rush too :smh: Still mad >:
Ever since I got my forearm tatted (half sleeve in the making) the Box game has increased Ten Fold.....It's quite astonishing.. The amount of looks and chicks that come up to me now in this 3 week span has been  
Ever since I got my forearm tatted (half sleeve in the making) the Box game has increased Ten Fold.....It's quite astonishing.. The amount of looks and chicks that come up to me now in this 3 week span has been  :wow: :wow:

pic of your forearm? i wanna get a full sleeve badly but im so confused on everything i want to get. im scared :x
Ever since I got my forearm tatted (half sleeve in the making) the Box game has increased Ten Fold.....It's quite astonishing.. The amount of looks and chicks that come up to me now in this 3 week span has been  :wow: :wow:

bruh **** love tats........ bottom line.... chi-town **** go ham for dudes with tats..... a couple of my lil ninjas got thier chest tatted & they said they P game shot up right after the ink dried :lol:
Ever since I got my forearm tatted (half sleeve in the making) the Box game has increased Ten Fold.....It's quite astonishing.. The amount of looks and chicks that come up to me now in this 3 week span has been  :wow: :wow:
Yeah tattoos are kind of in with chicks. It's quite funny. I had this one bish saying to me that if i had some tats i would be hot as ****. Like i ain't already. Stupid bish.
pic of your forearm? i wanna get a full sleeve badly but im so confused on everything i want to get. im scared
 Take your time in choosing what you want it will be there rest of your life, also if you get a full sleeve certain jobs might not hire you so take that into consideration if you plan on going about your future. Also this could just be my Opinion but if you just get a half lower sleeve TO me it looks like trash, you always have to get that full sleeve and or just the top half sleeve.

i got both my ribs done dont be scared its really not that bad, yes the needle gets hot and may hurt alil but after awhile once your body gets numb you wont feel a thing. GO FOR IT
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