the thread about nothing...

today i went to gamestop and i couldnt find parking so i said eff it and parked in the handicap spot. when i get out the car i see the cute girl that works at gamestop with her lunch and she saw me too.. i get in gamestop before she does and while im doing my purchase she comes in and is like "i just saw an old lady that asked where is the handicap parking and i told her that there is only one spot and the white truck is parked there and when i checked it, it didnt even have a handicap pass. now the old lady has to walk soo farr."then im like ohh that was my truck. she gives me kinda a stoneface and i just grab my receipt and diddy bop outta there.

shulda parked in front of the door & youd prbly be playing with some yambs right now instead of giving us this fail story :lol:
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so serena is really being hardballed about crip walking after winning gold :smh:
damb shorty cant do anything without being assulted with bs media
Its the 'Crip Walk' not the twists, of course she's gonna get some flak for it. I'm actually surprised its not a bigger deal than it is.

info on shirt? :nerd:
today i went to gamestop and i couldnt find parking so i said eff it and parked in the handicap spot. when i get out the car i see the cute girl that works at gamestop with her lunch and she saw me too.. i get in gamestop before she does and while im doing my purchase she comes in and is like "i just saw an old lady that asked where is the handicap parking and i told her that there is only one spot and the white truck is parked there and when i checked it, it didnt even have a handicap pass. now the old lady has to walk soo farr."then im like ohh that was my truck. she gives me kinda a stoneface and i just grab my receipt and diddy bop outta there.
This is the life we chose, the life we lead
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so serena is really being hardballed about crip walking after winning gold :smh:
damb shorty cant do anything without being assulted with bs media
Its the 'Crip Walk' not the twists, of course she's gonna get some flak for it. I'm actually surprised its not a bigger deal than it is.

but still shes from compton right? she grew up with it

you can take the chick out the hood but not the hood out the chick... she said she didnt even think about it .. she just felt like dancing ...... personally i think its a load of crap...leave her alone
today i went to gamestop and i couldnt find parking so i said eff it and parked in the handicap spot. when i get out the car i see the cute girl that works at gamestop with her lunch and she saw me too.. i get in gamestop before she does and while im doing my purchase she comes in and is like "i just saw an old lady that asked where is the handicap parking and i told her that there is only one spot and the white truck is parked there and when i checked it, it didnt even have a handicap pass. now the old lady has to walk soo farr."then im like ohh that was my truck. she gives me kinda a stoneface and i just grab my receipt and diddy bop outta there.
shulda parked in front of the door & youd prbly be playing with some yambs right now instead of giving us this fail story

coulda been gettin yambs while playing madden 

i kinda wanted to get at her just to get discounts. ima go back in a while and hopefully she doesnt remember me
Good day

Seen a hood bird walking to work. She had that Massachusetts swinging. I pulled uo, fresh car wash and the 22s gleaming...

Offered her ride cuz it was damb near 97... got to chopping it up, dropped her off, and we've been texting while she's at work.

She's coming thru to drink when she gets off. And she stays up the street.

#closeproximityyambs :pimp:

Also, can someone pm me that pinky link? Love me some sprinkler.

And 40% of chicks is BS...

I've had alotta yambs in my day.. even got a video of one dripping on my chest (y'all know I do)

But 40%? Naw... more like 4%..

Don't confuse creamers or little dribblers with sprinklers..
was gone for Rock The Bells the entire weekend to me missing over 1000 unread posts from here

just gonna skip all of that and just say, if they made MK remake that would be crazy!
NBATV has on Allen Iverson's rookie year 50 point Game,

dude must of exploded, cause he only has 13 points in the 3rd QTR
Also does anyone know of a good website that has fun computer games to play while bored
top of my head there's, (mostly oldies but goodies games, galaga asteroids etc) and of course (just to play the **** outta Tetris)
First day of class went smoothly.

God, I love how diverse my school is. Damn womenz of every kind :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
Locked in. Finna start up a new season of hit it loser whether you guise are with me or not. Vol. Fall yambs :evil:
Locked in. Finna start up a new season of hit it loser whether you guise are with me or not. Vol. Fall yambs :evil:
info on these "can i hit" threads...

how do they work? i been on NT for around 4 years... and never understood them...
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