the thread about nothing...

Dudes really thing people moved to Houston because its live.

Naw ***** we came for the MONEY!!
I really am in a strange position. Long story short

Soccer coach / dude who runs our soccer team (calling him coach is giving him too much credence) : Soccer fees are due i need $232 from each player. Turns out no one pays. So Coach shells out some money and other coach shells out some money. Me and one other player pay our $232.

Turns out that no one paid because they were told not too. Now coach tells me that he will refund me my money (this was in August mind you). I have been bugging him forever to give me my money back. He texts me telling me "i have been getting tons of flack from my girl for shelling out so much money for soccer so i am only going to be able to give you $100 back and next session you won't have to pay"

I want to literally be like look MFer you are stealing my money is what you are telling me. I don't care about your girl or your family no one else paid you. I was kind enough to pay you. But you can't steal my money and hold no one else accountable for this. You shouldn't have shelled out so much money if your girl had an issue with it thats not my problem at all.

But on the other hand. Like league fees would be around $100 so i am basically paying $100 for the league and $32 for "future fees". But something just doesn't sit right with me on this. It is so so shady i just want all my money back so i can walk from this situation. Dude is a grown man too. Like how you gonna be shady when i have never been anything but up front and responsible with you. Hell i paid you....unlike anyone else
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I really am in a strange position. Long story short

Soccer coach / dude who runs our soccer team (calling him coach is giving him too much credence) : Soccer fees are due i need $232 from each player. Turns out no one pays. So Coach shells out some money and other coach shells out some money. Me and one other player pay our $232.

Turns out that no one paid because they were told not too. Now coach tells me that he will refund me my money (this was in August mind you). I have been bugging him forever to give me my money back. He texts me telling me "i have been getting tons of flack from my girl for shelling out so much money for soccer so i am only going to be able to give you $100 back and next session you won't have to pay"

I want to literally be like look MFer you are stealing my money is what you are telling me. I don't care about your girl or your family no one else paid you. I was kind enough to pay you. But you can't steal my money and hold no one else accountable for this. You shouldn't have shelled out so much money if your girl had an issue with it thats not my problem at all.

But on the other hand. Like league fees would be around $100 so i am basically paying $100 for the league and $32 for "future fees". But something just doesn't sit right with me on this. It is so so shady i just want all my money back so i can walk from this situation. Dude is a grown man too. Like how you gonna be shady when i have never been anything but up front and responsible with you. Hell i paid you....unlike anyone else

Well it's the principle. If no-one else paid and you paid the full amount, then you are entitled to a full refund based on the prior circumstances. The fact that your "coach" has been avoiding this for months shows you that he isn't going to do the honorable thing. Dude is looking out for his own best interests, which is why he is mentioning his "girl", instead of doing the ethical man code of honor and refunding you.

At this point, whose to say that he won't go back on his word the next time dues are "supposed" to be paid?
Well it's the principle. If no-one else paid and you paid the full amount, then you are entitled to a full refund based on the prior circumstances. The fact that your "coach" has been avoiding this for months shows you that he isn't going to do the honorable thing. Dude is looking out for his own best interests, which is why he is mentioning his "girl", instead of doing the ethical man code of honor and refunding you.

At this point, whose to say that he won't go back on his word the next time dues are "supposed" to be paid?
Or that he's even gonna play next session. That dude might just ghost with the extra $100...
I go into these things with best intentions. Like dude hit me up and wanted me to play for his team. I said sure. I answer your texts and call and have never been anything but straight forward. Like its a business relationship, i ain't trying to kick it with you ever. I know its hard to run these things and organize them but don't do it if you don't have the means.

He of course still hasn't got me my $100 today. So time to send the follow up text asking whats the deal. :smh:
I plan to get a gym membership just so expensive yo.
I agree with you. I miss going to 24 to play ball...But I don't miss how long I have to wait to get in some sets with the free weights or the machines. Way too busy.
How do you deal with people that say something about you that's not true?

My girl called me inconsiderate for some petty stuff - left her alone when we were eating dinner out cuz I finished first and wanted to wash my hands.

I know I'm considerate (she knows it too...was saying it to create minidrama/lash out cuz she is sad I'm leaving soon)

However, her saying that got me all emotional before bed running my head through all the ways I treat her well.

How do u guys deal with nonsense like this better in your head?
2015 has been a crazy year for me, but it's all coming to a great close. Start a great new gig Monday, working on fixing things w/ the wife, my kids are in great health, and possibly even moving down south w/ the wife in June/July 2016. The man upstairs has a great sense of humor and a great way of showing you what's truly important in life.
glad to see it's working out :nthat:

Thanks man! Long road ahead and I'm ready for it!
How do you deal with people that say something about you that's not true?

My girl called me inconsiderate for some petty stuff - left her alone when we were eating dinner out cuz I finished first and wanted to wash my hands.

I know I'm considerate (she knows it too...was saying it to create minidrama/lash out cuz she is sad I'm leaving soon)

However, her saying that got me all emotional before bed running my head through all the ways I treat her well.

How do u guys deal with nonsense like this better in your head?

where are you going? how long are you going to be gone? pics of said girl :nerd:
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